Elias Venezis

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Elias Venezis was a Greek writer.

He was born in 1904 in Ayvalık (Κυδωνίες) in Asia Minor and died in Athens in 1973. He wrote many books throughout his career as an author. His most famous book is Number 31328. Elias Venezis is not his real name, but his pen name. He is categorised among the writers of "the generation of the 30s" (=η γενιά του '30).

During the Asia Minor Catastrophe he was 18 years old and was conscripted to a labour battalion of the Turkish State. In his book The Number 31328 - The Book of Slavery he describes the 14 months of his life that he had spent in a concentration camp, forced to hard labour.

[edit] Books

  • Aeolia (Αιολική Γη)
  • The Number 31328 (Το Νούμερο 31328)
  • Peacefulness (Γαλήνη)
  • Exit (Έξοδος)

[edit] See also

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