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Elfling is a race of small elf-like people. They exist within the game City of Heroes, on the European Defiant server. However, this race is not an official part of the game. Elflings are created and played by normal players (if you can call them normal). There currently exists three supergroups that are homes to the elflings. Elfling Liberty Force (or ELF) and Mystical Elf's (they are aware of the grammatical mistake) are for the heroic elflings, wheras on City of Villains, the elflings are a part of the Sinister Elfling Corps. With a rapidly growing number of elflings within Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, players of the game can expect to see at least one of these wonderful little people every time they log in.

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The Story of the Elflings To the top How Elflings Came to Paragon City Elflings are a magical race which originally hails from the forests of central Europe. Occasionally mistaken for elves due to their pointy ears or dwarves or halflings due to their height they are neither, rather they are a race unto themselves and are unrelated to elf, dwarf or halfling.

Most elflings are very social creatures and are normally afflicted with an insatiable wanderlust when they reach the end of their teenage years (at about 200). For the most part these young elflings tended to remain on the main European/Asian landmass until one day Bris Elfling accidentally discovered the practical meaning of the words 'Supertanker' and 'Cargo Hold'.

Three weeks later she was the first elfling in Paragon City, arriving with a shipment of 5000 tonnes of chocolate. Hearing of this mythical city where all the streets are paved with the sweet brown stuff, many more elflings have recently appeared on the streets of Paragon City. While the chocolate proved to be most elusive (Bris was very hungry) the elflings are here to stay.

Recently reports have been received of evil elflings appearing in Mercy Island. No one knows where they came from. Perhaps they were normal elflings who just overdosed on the chocolate!

[edit] Other Uses