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Ejaculatarians are people who allegedly have the ability to live by absorbing the large amounts of prana (also known as chi or life force energy) contained with the sexual ejaculations of both men and women. Practitioners apparently ingest the sacred fluids every day and meditate on the energy contained within it to sustain themselves. Alternatively, the sacred fluid can be used to open a conduit to connect directly to Source energy and thereby eliminating any need for physical food. Interestingly, water (and sometimes fruit juices) are frequently consumed to provide practitioners with supplemental lifeforce and moistness (known as Kapa.) The higher the state of enlightenment, the more water (moistness) is required.

This is a tantric practice from the sexual rites may have emerged from early Hindu Tantra as a practical means of achieving enlightenment through using the body. It originates from Shaktiism and Shaivism based upon the sacred sexual union of the divine masculine and feminine. Rights often involve creating a sacred life giving beverage made from the combined ejaculates of both men and women (see “female ejaculation”) mixed with the urine of both sexes with a small amount of menstrual blood. This beverage contains a huge amount of non-physical energy which is the intertwining of both male and female energies. These practices usually involve long sexual rituals based upon breath and the merging of the partner’s physical & energy bodies. Shortly after consuming the beverage, prolonged orgasmic states (which can last over an hour) are generated by tapping energies of the fluid from the stomach through the 2nd and 3rd charkas.

Several texts can be found which explain the practice in more detail including “The Sexual Art of Ecstasy” and “The Art of Sexual Magic” by Margo Anand as well as in Hindu scripture, “Atharva Veda.” This is a form of Inedia (the alleged ability to live without food.) Breatharianism is a related concept where practitioners live by absorbing energy from the air or according to some, by the energy in sunlight. While it is often seen as an esoteric practice performed by eastern ascetics, recently they have gained popularity amongst groups of Westerners (like the Breatharian Institute of America) who promote the practice for anybody willing to learn the energy absorbing techniques.

Obviously, modern medicine and science clearly state this is an impossible practice that will cause malnutrition and eventual starvation due to limited caloric value contained within human ejaculates (approximately 3 calories per and therefore over 650 ejaculations would be needed PER DAY to sustain the body.) There are no known scientific studies of the successful use of this practice.