Einstein manifold

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Consider an m-dimensional manifold M with metric tensor g. The pair (M,g) is said to be an Einstein manifold if the Ricci tensor on M is proportional to the metric:

\mathrm{Ric} = k\,g,

for some constant k. If one introduces a coordinate chart, the condition that (M,g) be an Einstein manifold is then simply

R_{ab} = k\,g_{ab}.

By tensor multiplying both sides of this equation by gab one shows that the constant of proportionality, k, for Einstein manifolds is related to the scalar curvature by

k = \frac{1}{m}R,

where R is the scalar curvature. Einstein manifolds with k = 0 are also often referred to as Ricci-flat manifolds.

In general relativity, Einstein's equations relate the curvature of a space-time to the energy-momentum tensor which describes the matter distribution in the space-time according to

R_{ab} - \frac{1}{2}g_{ab}R + g_{ab}\Lambda = 8\pi T_{ab},

where we have used geometrized units G = c = 1. Therefore, in a spacetime one for which Tab = 0 we can regard an Einstein manifold as a vacuum solution to Einstein's equations with a cosmological constant proportional to k.

[edit] Examples

[edit] References

  • Arthur L. Besse, "Einstein Manifolds", Springer-Verlag.
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