Eid ul-Fitr

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Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر, often known simply as Eid,is an Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. Fitr means "to break the fast" and therefore symbolizes the breaking of the fasting period. After the special prayers festivities and merriment will be commonly observed with visits to the homes of relatives and friends in thanking God for all blessings. Eid is a time to come together as a community and to renew friendship and family ties. This is a time for peace for all Muslims in the world to devote to prayers and mutual well-being.

It is a joyous occasion with important religious significance.

For Muslims, Eid is a joyful celebration.It is a day of forgiveness, fellowship, brotherhood and unity. Muslims here are not only celebrating the end of fasting, but thanking God for the help and strength that they believe He gave them throughout the previous month to help them practice self-control. It is a time of giving and sharing, as like Christmas in Christianity.

[edit] History

The first Eid was celebrated in AD 624 by the Prophet Muhammad with his companions and relatives.

[edit] Timing

The Eid holiday follows the month of Ramadan, falling on the first day of Shawwal (the tenth month in the Islamic calendar). As with all months in the Islamic calendar, it begins with the sighting of the new moon. Eid ul-Fitr marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan.

In 2006, Eid almost coincides with Christmas. This only happens once every 30 years, because of the difference between the Muslim calendar (which is lunar), and the Christian calendar, which is essentially solar. Thus Eid shifts 12 days per year on the Christian calendar.

[edit] Traditions and practices

Common greetings during this holiday are the Arabic greeting "Eid mubarak" which, loosely translated, mean "Happy Eid!".

The night before Eid many Muslim women all over the world have a henna party (Chandraat in Pakistan and India).In India and Pakistan, the night before Eid is called Chand Raat, or night of the moon. Women, especially young girls, often paint each others' hands with traditional "henna" also called "mehendi" and wear colourful bangles. There is usually a henna artist who applies henna to the women’s hands and feet to celebrate Eid. There is also dancing and singing at the party.

On Eid day, muslims are encouraged to dress in their best clothes (new if possible) and to attend a special Eid prayer that is performed in a mosque.The Eid prayer is very important, and Muslims are encouraged to pray in a large gathering because of the rewards.Muslims pay special charity money to the poor and needy before the Eid prayer, so that they can also join other Muslims to celebrate the happiness of Eid.In this way, Muslims celebrate their Eid by thanking God and bringing their family, friends and the poor and needy closer together.

After the prayer people hug and wish each other a Happy Eid. Money, candy and gifts are given to children by adults. Muslims spend the day thanking God for all their blessings, as well as simply having fun and enjoying themselves. Children are normally given gifts or money called EIDI After the Eid prayer many people call friends and family from all over the world wishing them a Happy Eid. The rest of Eid is spent with close family and friends.