Eid festival

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In Muslim communities, Eid' (Arabic: عيد ) is the name of two Islamic festivals:

Eid is an Arabic word, meaning "festival" or "festivity". but there is still a question. When is Eid?

In Turkish, these celebrations are called Bayram. Bayram means "feast" in Turkish and usually in the international community (especially among non-Muslims) bayram (Turkish) is used rather than Arabic forms.

In modern Iran, Eid usually refers to Nowrooz (when it is used alone). It is also used in compound terms such as Eid-e-Ghadir (Ghadir Khom), Eide-e-Fetr (Eid ul-Fitr), Eid-e-Qorban (Eid ul-Adha), and Eid-e-Mab'as.

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