Edwin Denby (poet)

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Edwin Denby (1903-1983) was an American poet and dance critic. He is the author of Looking at the Dance and Dancers, Buildings, and People in the Street.

Mr. Denby was a beloved figure to many, even if a somewhat distant one to most, in the New York poetry and dance scene. A long-time resident of Manhattan's Chelsea district, where he had a loft in a five-story walkup on West Twenty-first Street, one that he shared with the darkroom of filmmaker, photographer, and painter, Rudy Burckhardt,

Edwin was quite fond of cold coffee in a paper cup, that he would often purchase on his way home from a performance of his beloved New York City Ballet.

In the summer of 1983, while in residence in Maine for the summer, he committed suicide, and did so in a fashion that was quiet and dignified, rather like the man himself.