Edward Rydz-Śmigły

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Edward Rydz
Śmigły, Adam Zawisza
Edward Rydz
Rank Marszałek Polski Marszałek Polski
Born March 11, 1886
Łapszyn, Galicia
Died December 2, 1941
Warsaw, Poland
In service since: 1910
Notable assignments: C-i-C of the Polish Army
Major wars and battles: Great War, Polish-Bolshevik War, Polish Defensive War
Portrayed by: Jerzy Ziarnik in Tajemnica Enigmy and Stanisław Niwiński in Rzeczypospolitej dni pierwsze
Order of the White Eagle Virtuti Militari Virtuti Militari Polonia Restituta Polonia Restituta Polonia Restituta Cross of the Valorous Cross of the Valorous Cross of the Valorous Cross of the Valorous Cross of Merit Cross of Independence with Swords Légion d'honneur Légion d'honneur Légion d'honneur Star of Romania Order of the White Rose (Finland) Order of Saint Sava (Yugoslavia) Order of Merit (Hungary) Lacplesis Order (Latvia) Order of the Crown of Italy Order of the Rising Sun (Japan) Cross of Military Merit (Italy)

Edward Rydz-Śmigły Coat of arms of Ryc, (March 11, 1886 - December 2, 1941); nom de guerre Śmigły, Tarłowski, Adam Zawisza) was a Polish politician, an officer of the Polish Army, painter and poet. After many successes as an army commander during the Polish-Bolshevik War, Rydz succeeded Józef Piłsudski as the Marshal of Poland (from 11 November 1936) and Commander-in-Chief of the Polish armed forces. He served in that post during the Polish Defensive War of 1939, which was the first stage of the Second World War.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Early life

Edward Rydz was born in the village of Łapszyn near Brzeżany, Tarnopol Voivodship, Galicia. He was the son of a professional NCO in the Austro-Hungarian Army, Tomasz Rydz, and Maria Babiak. The family endured rather humble circumstances and he was orphaned at the age of 13 years. He was then raised by his maternal grandparents and, after their deaths, by the family of Dr. Uranowicz, the town physician at Brzeżany. After graduating with distinction at the local Gymnasium Rydz went to Kraków where he completed studies in philosophy and history of art at the Jagiellonian University. He then studied to be a painter at the arts academy (Akademia Sztuk Pieknych) in Kraków, and later in Vienna and Munich. In 1910-1911 he attended the reserve officers' academy in Vienna and received military training at the famous Austrian 4th Infantry Regiment "Deutschmeister" (so called after Archduke Eugene, a cousin of Emperor Francis Joseph I, who was Grand Master of the Teutonic Order).

The Deutschmeister Regiment parading before the Archduke Eugene (about 1911)
The Deutschmeister Regiment parading before the Archduke Eugene (about 1911)

He finished his military education with distinction and was offered a commission in the Imperial Army, which he declined. In 1912 Rydz was one of the founders of the Polish paramilitary organisation Riflemen's Association (Związek Strzelecki). At the same time he completed his art studies; he was regarded as a very promising talent in landscape and portrait painting and praised by his professors and critics, who foresaw a great future for him.

Edward Rydz, A Winter Landscape (Oil on canvas, undated)
Edward Rydz, A Winter Landscape (Oil on canvas, undated)

Drafted into the Austrian army in July 1914, Rydz was transferred in August to the Polish Legions and fought in the famous Polish 1st Brigade of Piłsudski. He took part in many battles against the Russians in the region of Southern Vistula and rose quickly in rank. By 1916 he was already a full colonel. However he did not forget his art and exhibited his work at a gallery in Kraków. In 1917, after refusing to swear an oath to the Austrian and German authorities, the Legions were disbanded, their soldiers interned and Piłsudski imprisoned in Magdeburg fortress. By Piłsudski's appointment, Rydz (who escaped prison on the grounds of bad health) became commander of Polish Military Organization (POW) and adopted the nom de guerre Śmigły (Fast or Agile), which he later added as an integral part to his surname.

In October 1918 Rydz entered the socialist government of Ignacy Daszyński in Lublin as Minister of War. Having been promoted brigadier general (one-star general in the Polish system), he emphasised that he had accepted the office as a deputee of Piłsudski). It was at this time he began using the double-barrelled name of Rydz-Śmigły. On November 11, 1918 the Government relinquished all power to Piłsudski, who became Provisional Head of State. After some hesitation, Piłsudski (who was displeased by Rydz-Śmigły's cooperation with the socialists - he himself "having left the streetcar of Socialism at the stop called Independence") confirmed him as a brigadier.

[edit] Military triumphs

During the Polish-Bolshevik War of the years (1919 - 1921), Rydz commanded Polish armies in several offensives. Among victorious engagements, he captured Wilno and Dünaburg. After that he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of Latvian armed forces and liberated Livonia from Red Army oppression. Subsequently he achieved complete annihilation of the Red Army's 12th Division and took Kiev. He then commanded the Central Front of Polish forces during the famous Battle of Warsaw, known as the Miracle on the Vistula. In this decisive battle, Polish commander Piłsudski outwitted the Soviet commander Mikhail Tukhachevsky. Rydz-Śmigły's Central Front held against the Soviet attack and later blocked the escape routes for the defeated Soviet 4th and 15th Armies and the 3rd Cavalry Corps of Soviet general Gay Dimitrievich Gay, which had to fly ungloriously to East Prussia, where they were interned by the Germans.

Rydz-Śmigły receiving the Marshal buława from Polish President Ignacy Mościcki. November 10, 1936, Warsaw.
Rydz-Śmigły receiving the Marshal buława from Polish President Ignacy Mościcki. November 10, 1936, Warsaw.

[edit] Second Man in the State

After the 1919-21 war he was appointed the Inspector-General of the Polish Army in the Vilna district and later in Warsaw. In 1926, during Piłsudski's coup d´état (the May Coup), he took the Marshal's side and sent troops from Wilno to reinforce anti-government troops in Warsaw. Piłsudski never forgot this fidelity and in 1929 Rydz was appointed as the Marshal's deputy on all matters concerning the East. On May 13, 1935, in accordance with the last wishes of Józef Piłsudski, Rydz was nominated by the president and the government of Poland to serve in the capacity of the Inspector-General of the Polish Armed Forces and on November 10, 1936 he was elevated to the rank of Marshal of Poland. As such he reversed his name and called himself from now on Śmigły-Rydz.

Rydz-Śmigły promoted to Marshal of Poland.
Rydz-Śmigły promoted to Marshal of Poland.
General Rydz-Śmigły and the French general Maurice Gamelin (left). August 1936, Warsaw.
General Rydz-Śmigły and the French general Maurice Gamelin (left). August 1936, Warsaw.

He was now one of the most powerful people in Poland and was awarded the title of "Second Man in the State after the President", and this image was popularized by the Obóz Zjednoczenia Narodowego party. The government became increasingly authoritarian and conservative, though Śmigły-Rydz's power was balanced by the more moderate Ignacy Mościcki, who remained President. For a time being Rydz sought an alliance with the liberal Peasants' Party (PSL), but after being rejected by them he turned to the extreme right wing. After 1938 he reconciled himself with the President, but the ruling clique was henceforth divided into the "President's Men" (or "Castle Group") — most of them civilians, and the "Marshal's Men" who were mostly old companions of Piłsudski and professional officers.

[edit] 1939

In March 1939, Hitler occupied Bohemia and Moravia and created the satellite client-state of Slovakia. This encircled Poland with an iron ring on all sides except the east. Rydz was the only member of the government who clearly saw the impending danger of a conflict with Germany. However time remaining was too short for the creation of completely new Polish operation plans in the west. During negotiations in Moscow in August 1939 Rydz refused all attempts by the Western Powers to obtain Polish permission for the Red Army to march westward, stating: "there is no guarantee that the Soviets will really take active part in the war; furthermore, once having entered Polish territory, they will never leave it".

On 1 September 1939 when the Germans invaded Poland, Śmigły-Rydz was named Commander-in-Chief of Polish forces. On 7th September, along with most of the government, he evacuated Warsaw as it came under the German blitzkrieg attack. Soon afterwards Polish coordination began to suffer from communications problems, which impaired Rydz's ability to command the forces. In Brest (Brześć) on 11 September he ordered that the Polish capital be defended at all costs. In his plan, Warsaw and the nearby Modlin Fortress were to become two redoubt citadels in central Poland, fighting on for months, while the bulk of Polish forces were to defend the Romanian bridgehead and await the counterattack promised by Poland's French and British allies. Unknown to Śmigły-Rydz, the Western Allies had no such plans and expected Poland's fall. His plan was further crippled when Soviet forces attacked Poland from the east on 17th September. Realising that defence against both neighbours was impossible, Śmigły-Rydz issued orders for Polish forces to retreat towards Romania and avoid fighting the Soviet aggressors.

After avoiding capture by Soviet and German troops, on September 18, 1939 Śmigły-Rydz, crossed the Romanian border and was interned. The Polish government’s crossing into Romania saved Poland from surrender and allowed Polish soldiers to carry on fighting against Germany, though Rydz's crossing sparked some controversy, considering his position as supreme commander of the armed forces. Large numbers of Polish soldiers and airmen crossed southern Europe and regrouped in France, and after her surrender, in Britain.

[edit] The last years

Śmigły-Rydz, as the Commander-in-Chief of Polish Armed Forces, took complete responsibility for Poland’s military defeat in the September 1939. There were no excuses for this Polish officer, even though Poland was attacked from all sides by Europe's two most powerful military machines — the Wehrmacht and the Soviet Army (Raboche-Krest'yanskaya Krasnaya Armiya). On the other hand one cannot deny that Rydz, an extremely able Commander on smaller fronts, was not an experienced strategist in a great conflict. In 1922, in an evaluation of Polish generals, Piłsudski had written about him: "in operational work he displays healthy common sense and a lot of stubborn energy. I could recommend him to everybody as a commander of an army, I am however not sure if he possesses sufficient abilities to function as commander-in-chief in a war between two states."

During his internment in Romania, Śmigły-Rydz initiated creation of the Polish underground. This was based on officers who were loyal to the memory of Piłsudski. Still in Romania, on October 27, he relinquished his function as the Commander-in-Chief and Inspector-General of the Armed Forces. This role was assumed by Władysław Sikorski, who was serving in the new Polish government in exile in France (and after 1940 in the United Kingdom). Śmigły-Rydz was transferred from the internment camp to the villa of a former Romanian prime minister in Dragoslavele, from where he escaped on 10th December 1940 and crossed illegally into Hungary.

His flight to Hungary and rumours about his planned return to Poland were a source of considerable displeasure to his rival Sikorski, now Prime Minister. Sikorski had been in opposition to Śmigły-Rydz and Piłsudski from the time of the 1926 May Coup. He refused to accept any military assignment by Śmigły-Rydz in September 1939 and now declared in a telegram to General Stefan Grot-Rowecki, leader of the Armia Krajowa (AK) underground resistance in Poland: "the Polish Government will regard a sojourn of the Marshal in Poland as a sabotage of its work in the country. The Marshal must as soon as possible move to some country of the British Empire". However Śmigły-Rydz left Hungary on October 25, 1941, and travelling through Slovakia reached Poland. On October 30, in strict secrecy, Śmigły came back to Warsaw to participate in the resistance movement as a common underground soldier, thus voluntarily suspending his rank of Marshal of Poland. He contacted Grot-Rowecki, but did not partake in any combat as he suddenly died of heart failure on December 2, 1941, just 5 weeks after his arrival in Warsaw. He was buried in Warsaw under his conspiratorial name "Adam Zawisza". His grave on the Powązki Cemetery carried that name until 1991. A new, impressive tombstone was erected by the people of Warsaw in 1994.

The Marshal's grave in Warsaw
The Marshal's grave in Warsaw

Rydz was married to Marta (née Thomas) (by a previous marriage, Zaleska), who died in Nice in a car accident in 1951. The couple had no children.

[edit] Awards

Polish Decorations

Order of the White Eagle, Commander and Knight of Virtuti Militari, Grand Cross, Grand Officer and Officer of Order of Polonia Restituta, four times Cross of the Valiant, Golden Cross of Merit (Złoty Krzyż Zasługi), and Cross of Independence with Swords.

Foreign decorations

Grand Cross of the Order of the Star of Romania, Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy, Grand Cross, Grand Officer and Commander of the French Order of the Legion of Honour, Grand Officer of the Finnish Order of the White Rose, Grand Cross of the Order of the White Eagle (Yugoslavia) and Order of Saint Sava of Yugoslavia, Grand Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, Grand Cross of the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, Knight of Latvia's highest military award, Lacplesis Military Order, (the Order of the Bearslayer), Pulaski Medal (USA) and Italian Cross of Military Merit.

Honorary Titles

Rydz was Honorary Doctor of the Universities of Warsaw and Vilna and Warsaw Polytechnic and Honorary Citizen of various Polish cities.

[edit] Legacy

Edward Rydz-Śmigły's reputation after World War II was mixed. In communist Poland and the Soviet Union, he was decried for his participation in the Polish-Soviet War in 1920, and the political repression under the military government of the late 1930s. In the West, due to the influence of anti-Piłsudski circles with Władysław Sikorski as their foremost representative, he was seen as having fled from the battlefield in 1939, with little recognition given to the circumstances of Poland's defeat by the Germans and Soviets. Today, after 1990, Rydz-Śmigły has been regaining his rightful place in the Polish national consciousness, as a patriot who sacrificed his life to the service of his nation and one of the tragic heroes of Poland's history.

[edit] Bibliography

Rydz-Śmigły's Works

Military Tactics and Theory

  • Walka na bagnety (Bayonet Fight), Lwów 1914;
  • W sprawie polskiej doktryny (Poland's Military Doctrine), Warsaw 1924;
  • Kawaleria w osłonie (Cavalry in protection of troops), Warsaw 1925;
  • Byście o sile nie zapomnieli -Rozkazy, Artykuły, Mowy (Do not forget the Might - Orders, Articles and Speeches), Warsaw 1936;
  • Wojna polsko-niemiecka (The Polish-German War), Budapest 1941.


  • Dążąc do końca swoich dróg (Seeking the end of the ways), Paris 1947 and London 1989.

Paintings and Graphics

Edward Rydz, "Old Church in Zakopane" (Oil Painting, undated)
Edward Rydz, "Old Church in Zakopane" (Oil Painting, undated)
  • Illustrations to Piłsudski's book 22nd January, 1863, Lwów 1920;
  • Contributions to Art Exhibitions in Kraków (1916) and Warsaw (1917). Most of his paintings are irretrievably lost.

Books about Rydz-Śmigły

  • Kazimierz Cepnik, Wódz Naczelny i Marszałek Polski Edward Śmigły-Rydz, Życie i Czyny (Poland's Commander-in-Chief and Marshal Edward Śmigły-Rydz, His Life and Deeds), Lwów 1937;
  • Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski, Piłsudczycy, (The Men of Piłsudski), Oświęcim 1916;
  • Paweł Zaremba, Historia Dwudziestolecia 1918 - 1939, (History of the Twenty Years 1918 - 1939), 2 vols., Paris 1967.

Buławas, symbol of the Marshal of Poland
Marshals of Poland
Józef PiłsudskiFerdinand FochEdward Rydz-ŚmigłyMichał Rola-ŻymierskiKonstanty RokossowskiMarian Spychalski