Education in Senegal

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[edit] Primary and Secondary Education

The spread of formal Quranic school in Senegal (called daara in Wolof) during the colonial period increased largely through the effort of the Tijaniyya, the main Sufi orders in charge of the Islamic community. Islamic groups include the much older Qādiriyya order and the Senegalese Laayeen order, which is prominent among the coastal Lebu. Today, most Senegalese children study at daaras for several years, memorizing as much of the Qur'an as they can. Some of them continue their religious studies at informal Arabic schools (majlis) or at the growing number of private Arabic schools and publicly funded Franco-Arabic schools.

[edit] Universities

Senegal's main Universities include the Cheikh Anta Diop University in the capital of Dakar and St. Louis University in St. Louis, which sits north of Dakar on the coast. The instruction is mainly in Senegal's official language of French.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Mamadou Cissé: "Langues, Etat et société au Sénégal", in Sudlangues [1],december 2005.

[edit] External links