Education in Mozambique

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Under the colonial regime, public educational opportunities for poor Mozambicans were limited; 93% of the Bantu population was illiterate and many could not speak Portuguese. In fact, most of the country's current political leadership was educated in missionary schools. After independence, the government placed a high priority on expanding education, which reduced the illiteracy rate to about two-thirds as primary school enrollment increased. Unfortunately, in recent years school construction and teacher training enrollments have not kept up with population increases. With post-war enrollments reaching all-time highs, the quality of education has suffered. As a member of Commonwealth of Nations, most urban Mozambicans are required to learn English starting high-school.

[edit] Universities

  • Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - Maputo
  • Universidade São Tomas de Moçambique
  • Universidade Católica de Moçambique - Nampula, Sofala, Cabo Delgado
  • Universidade Mussa Bin Bique
  • Instituto Superior Politécnico e Universitário - Maputo, Quelimane
  • Instituto Superior de Ciênicas e Tecnologia de Moçambique
  • Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais
  • Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações
  • Universidade Pedagógica - Maputo, Sofala
  • Universidade Técnica de Moçambique
  • Academia Militar Samora Machel