ISO 3166-2:EC

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ISO 3166-2:EC is an ISO standard which defines geocodes: it is the subset of ISO 3166-2 which applies to Ecuador. It covers the 22 provinces.

The first part is the ISO 3166-1 code EC for Ecuador, the second part is one-digit-alphabetic.

[edit] Newsletters

[edit] Codes

Sorted by Code
EC-A Azuay
EC-B Bolívar
EC-C Carchi
EC-D Orellana
EC-E Esmeraldas
EC-F Cañar
EC-G Guayas
EC-H Chimborazo
EC-I Imbabura
EC-L Loja
EC-M Manabí
EC-N Napo
EC-O El Oro
EC-P Pichincha
EC-R Los Ríos
EC-S Morona-Santiago
EC-T Tungurahua
EC-U Sucumbíos
EC-W Galápagos
EC-X Cotopaxi
EC-Y Pastaza
EC-Z Zamora-Chinchipe
Sorted by Name
Azuay EC-A
Bolívar EC-B
Cañar EC-F
Carchi EC-C
Chimborazo EC-H
Cotopaxi EC-X
El Oro EC-O
Esmeraldas EC-E
Galápagos EC-W
Guayas EC-G
Imbabura EC-I
Loja EC-L
Los Ríos EC-R
Manabí EC-M
Morona-Santiago EC-S
Napo EC-N
Orellana EC-D
Pastaza EC-Y
Pichincha EC-P
Sucumbíos EC-U
Tungurahua EC-T
Zamora-Chinchipe EC-Z

[edit] See also

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