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EarthSave is an international, non-profit organization was founded in 1988 by celebrated author John Robbins. The organization was born out of the overwhelming reader response to Robbins' 1987 publication Diet for a New America which described wide-ranging human and social impacts of human food choices. As such, EarthSave's mandate is to educate people about the powerful effects food choices have on the environment, human health, and nonhuman animals and encourages a shift toward a healthy, plant-based diet. The head office for EarthSave is located in New York, USA, but there are dozens of local chapters across the United States and Canada.

Aims of EarthSave

  • EarthSave leads a global movement of people from all walks of life who are taking concrete steps to promote healthy and life-sustaining food choices.
  • EarthSave supplies information, support and practical programs to those who have learned that their food choices impact environmental and human health.
  • Earthsave supports individuals in making food choices that promote health, reduce health care costs, and provide greater independence from the medical system.
  • EarthSave raises awareness of the ecological destruction and cruelty linked to the production of "food animals."

Taste of Health: A Healthy Food Festival presented by EarthSave

Taste of Health is EarthSave's annual vegetarian food festival. Not only an opportunity to sample delicious food, it is also designed to teach visitors why, how and where to make choices that are healthy for people, nonhuman animals, and the planet.

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