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e-Lab [1] is a VLSI mixed-signal design laboratory specialized in the development of Advanced Sensory Communication Circuits and Systems. It was founded in 2004 by Eugenio Culurciello [2] at Yale University.
e-Lab research interests [3] focus on circuits for sensing, conditioning and processing while mapping topologies and available technologies to the physical level of the source of information. e-lab uses modern fabrication technologies, as 3D CMOS integration, Silicon on Sapphire and Silicon on Insulator, asynchronous design, for the innovative design of circuits and systems.
e-Lab [4] takes hints from nature and from other scientific research fields to add and improve on the performance, efficiency and dynamic range of sensor interfaces. e-Lab targets biomedical applications and emergent fabrication technologies. The goal is thoughtfully application-oriented design to engineer systems to improve everyday life and to help the scientific endeavor of understanding life.
e-Lab produced more than forty refereed publications [5].