User:DyslexicEditor/Ebay/safepaymentpolicyemail3 20 2006
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I have emails from ebay responding to questions about their safe payment policy. I removed any personally identifiable information--this includes the URL because it has my ebay ID. I took the screenshots from ebay's website and it has 5 in all. In PNG form, the files are small and good quality.
The first email basically says just accepting a form of payment that the customer proposes that is not allowed (such as a nonmerchant account money transfer service other than paypal, and this one company that is Canada only and only does eChecks) is against its policy.
The second email is from a different person, who claims that sellers can accept any form, they just can't say so on their listing. Taken with the other email you cannot even say you accept another nonmerchant account payment transfer service except paypal.
The second email contains a typo (maybe a Freudian slip) where they quote my statement, "Just so you know, safe payment policy is merely ebay using its monopoly to force people to use paypal." back to me and forgot to add a "not". The ebay employee Leslie says, "To begin, please have full reassurances that the Safe Payment policy is merely eBay using its monopoly to force people to use paypal."
For Landan, I have seen that name in many emails before when I have asked about safe payment policy. DyslexicEditor 18:46, 21 March 2006 (UTC)