Dutch standards

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Dutch Standard reference values for environmental investigation, clean up and remediation.

The reference values for soil are adjusted for the organic matter (humus) content and soil fraction < 0.2 µm (lutum). The values below are calculated for a 'Standard Soil' with 10% organic matter and 25% lutum.

The reference values for groundwater depend on the depth of the sample, the values below are for 'shallow' groundwater, 0 - 10 m depth.

Parameter Soil (mg/kg dry matter) Groundwater (µg/l)
  reference value intervention value reference value intervention value
I metals        
cadmium (Cd) 0.8 12 0.4 6
chromium (Cr) 100.0 380 1 30
copper (Cu) 36.0 190 15 75
nickel (Ni) 35.0 210 15 75
lead (Pb) 85.0 530 15 75
zinc (Zn) 140 720 65 800
mercury (Hg) 0.3 10.0 0.05 0.3
arsenic (As) 29.0 55.0 10 60
barium (Ba) 160 625 50 625
cobalt (Co) 9.0 240 20 100
molybdenum (Mo) 3.0 200 5 300
antimony (Sb) 3.0 15 0.15 10
beryllium (Be) 1.1 30 0.05 15
silver (Ag) - 15 - 40
selenium (Se) 0.7 100 0.07 160
tellurium (Te) - 600 - 70
thallium (Th) 1.0 15 2 7
tin (Sn) - 900 2.2 50
vanadium (V) 42.0 250 1.2 70
II inorganic compounds        
cyanides - free 1 20 5 1500
cyanides - complex (pH < 5) 5 650 10 1500
cyanides - complex (pH >= 5) 5 50 10 1500
thiocyanates 1 20 - 1500
bromide 20 - 300 -
chloride - - 100000 -
fluoride 500 - 500 -
III (volatile) aromatic compounds        
benzene 0.01 1 0.20 30
toluene 0.01 130 7.00 1000
ethyl benzene 0.03 50 4.00 150
xylene 0.1 25 0.20 70
phenol 0.05 40 0.2 2000
cresols 0.05 5 0.2 200
catechol 0.05 20 0.2 1250
resorcinol 0.05 10 0.2 600
hydroquinone 0.05 10 0.2 800
dodecylbenzene - 1000 - 0.02
styrene (vinylbenzene) 0.3 100 6 300
IV polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)        
PAH (sum of 10) 1 40 - -
  naphthalene - - 0.01 70
  phenanthrene - - 0.003 5
  anthracene - - 0.0007 5
  fluoranthene - - 0.003 1
  benzo(a)anthracene - - 0.0001 0.5
  chrysene - - 0.003 0.2
  benzo(k)fluoroanthene - - 0.0004 0.05
  benzo(a)pyrene - - 0.0005 0.05
  benzo(ghi)perylene - - 0.0003 0.05
  indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene - - 0.0004 0.05
V chlorinated hydrocarbons        
dichloromethane 0.4 10 0.01 1000
trichloromethane 0.02 10 6 400
carbon tetrachloride 0.4 1 0.01 10
trichloroethylene 0.1 60 24 500
tetrachloroethylene 0.002 4 0.01 40
1,1-dichloroethane 0.02 15 7 900
1,2-dichloroethane 0.02 4 7 400
1,2-dichloroethene (cis. trans) * 0.2 1 0.01 20
1,1-dichloroethene 0.1 0.3 0.01 10
vinyl chloride 0.01 0.1 0.01 5
1,1,1-trichloroethane 0.07 15 0.01 300
1,1,2-trichloroethane 0.4 10 0.01 130
chlorobenzene (sum) 0.03 30 - -
monochlorobenzene - - 7 180
dichlorobenzenes (sum) - - 3 50
trichlorobenzenes (sum) - - 0.01 10
tetrachlorobenzenes (sum) - - 0.01 2.5
pentachlorobenzene - - 0.003 1
hexachlorobenzene - - 0.00009 0.5
chlorophenols (sum) 0.01 10 - -
monochlorophenols (sum) - - 0.3 100
dichlorophenols (sum) - - 0.2 30
trichlorophenols (sum) - - 0.03 10
tetrachlorphenols (sum) 0.01 10    
pentachlorophenol - - 0.04 3
chloronaphthalene - - - 6
polychlorobiphenyl (sum) 0.02 1 0.01 0.01
EOX 0.3 - - -
dioxin - 0.001 - 0.001ng/l
monochloraniline 0.005 50 - 30
dichloroaniline 0.005 50 - 100
trichloroaniline - 10 - 10
tetrachloroaniline - 30 - 10
pentachloroaniline - 10 - 1
4-chloromethylphenols - 15 - 350
dichloropropanes 0.002 2 0.8 80
VI insecticides      
DDT/DDD/DDE 0.01 4 0.004 ng/l 0.01
drins 0.005 4 - 0.1
aldrin 0.00006 - 0.009 ng/l -
dieldrin 0.0005 - 0.1 ng/l -
endrin 0.00004 - 0.04 ng/l -
HCH-compounds - 2 0.05 1
α-HCH 0.003 - 33 ng/l -
β-HCH 0.009 - 8 ng/l -
γ-HCH 0.00005 - 9 ng/l -
carbaryl - 5 2 ng/l 50
carbofuran - 2 9 ng/l 100
maneb - 35 0.05 ng/l 0.1
atrazine 0.0002 6 29 ng/l 150
chlordane - 4 0.02 ng/l 0.2
heptachlor - 4 0.005 ng/l 0.3
heptachlor-epoxide - 4 0.005 ng/l 3
endosulfan - 4 0.2 ng/l 5
organic tin compounds (sum) - 2.5 0.05-16 ng/l 0.7
azinphosmethyl 0.000005 2 0.1 ng/l 2
MCPA - - 0.02 50
VII Other contaminants        
cyclohexanone 0.1 45 0.5 15000
ftalates (sum) 0.1 60 0.5 5
mineral oil 50 5000 50 600
pyridine 0.1 0.5 0.5 30
tetrahydrofuran 0.1 2 0.5 300
tetrahydrothiophene 0.1 90 0.5 5000
monoethylene glycol - 100 - 5500
diethylene glycol - 270 - 13000
acrylonitrile 0.000007 0.1 0.08 5
formaldehyde - 0.1 - 50
methanol - 30 - 24000
butanol - 30 - 5600
1,2 butylacetate - 200 - 6300
methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) - 100 - 9200
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) - 35 - 6000
tribromomethane - 75 - 630
ethylacetate - 75 - 15000
isopropanol - 220 - 31000
A case of environmental contamination is 'serious' if >25 m³ soil or >100 m³ groundwater is contaminated above the intervention value.
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