Dungeon & Fighter

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Dungeon & Fighter is a Korean multiplayer PC beat 'em up video game by a company called Neople. The Japanese company NHN is in the process of producing a Japanese arcade version of the game called Arad Senki.


[edit] The Gameplay

Dungeon and Fighter style and genre is based on RPG's, but the instead of traditional turn based battle screens, the battle uses a real time beat 'em up style.

[edit] Character Classes

Dungeon & Fighter allows the player to choose between five character classes (with 1 more upcoming). These are Haunted Swordsman, Fighter, Gunner, Magician, and Priest (Was added recencently on November 29th) Once a player levels any of these characters to level 18, that character may choose (or not) to accept a new occupation. Once a new occupation is chosen, that character cannot choose other occupations.

The Haunted Swordsman (귀검사) The Haunted Swordsman is a swordsman with part of his left arm imbued by a parasitic demonic ghost which its origins are enigmatic. The Swordsman uses normal sword attacks and a variety of special skills using his haunted arm. At level 18 and up, the Swordsman can complete special career quests given by the NPC G.S.D the Blind (in Hendon Myre city) and become either an Asura, Weapon master, Soul Bringer, or a Berserker. The Swordsman receives additional armor, skill casting speed, and mana recovery speed bonuses when wearing heavy armor.

Caution: Haunted Swordsmen are melee attackers, so initially they are weak against destroying ranged enemies and often end up damaged before they get to the attacker.

The Fighter (격투가) Fighters are masters of hand-to-hand combat. Using their all of their body, they deliver painful blows, bashes, and kicks to enemies; but these fearless women are evermore masters of fighting when equipped with tonfas, battle gauntlets, and claws. when donned with chainmails and scalemails, they also receive hit recovery and strength bonuses. Fighters can become Nen Masters, Strikers, Street Fighters, and Grapplers when they complete career quests given by PoongJin (in Hendon Myre city).

Caution: Fighters are melee attackers, so initially they are weak against destroying ranged enemies and often end up damaged before they get to the attacker.

The Gunner (거너) Gunners are the tall people from the cheonkye (천계 天界 heaven/sky world)who has their specialty in gunmanship. Because of the purification of magic in the cheonkye, their world has been developing more into the sciences of the elements, metalcraft, the making of gunpowder, and dynamics. Hence the instead of learning magic, people started to use inventions called guns to protect themselves in war. Other than using two pistols as their primary weapons, gunners can also use mechanic robots and heavy cannons. Because arm movements are important for a gunner, gunners receive speed bonuses when they wear leather clothing. Completing career quests given by NPC Kiri the Gunner (in Hendon Myre city), Gunners can become Mechanics, Rangers, Spitfires, or Launchers.

Caution: The tall stature of gunners give them handicaps to shooting things close to their feet. This makes them vulnerable to small melee enemies. Their tall stature also gives them more chances of getting hit by aerial attacks.

The Magician (마법사) These Magicians are fairly new to the world of Arad. Coming into Arad via a coincidental linking of the worlds of makye (마계, aka demonic/magic world) and Arad, these Magicians are becoming more and more frequently seen. Taking the forms of pointy-eared little girls, these magicians wield the mysterious powers of magic via their trusty staves that float close behind them whereever they go. Cloth outfits give magicians mana regeneration speed bonuses. Magicians can complete career quests given by NPC Sharan the Dark Elf Mage (in Hendon Myre city) to become an Elemental Master, 소환사 (召喚師 Summoner), 마도학자 (魔道學子 Magic-Scholar), or Battle Mage.

Caution: Magicians are weak melee fighters and if they fail to hit anything in their running attacks they trip over, giving enemies a chance to strike free blows.

The Priest (성직자) The newest addition of classes not much information is known at the time

[edit] Town

This is where a player starts out everytime he logs onto a server. NPCs sell items, buy things from the player, give quests, fix equipments, etc.

[edit] Seria's Cottage

In every town there is a Seria's Cottage. It is marked with a two white stone statues on both sides of the doorway. In here, a girl named Seria gives you some quests and sells items and avatar accessories that require money counted in Seras. Seras are converted from real money or obtained free of charge from some special events.

[edit] Dungeon zones

In every town there is at least one area where when a character walks off the screen, the player will enter a dungeon selection mode. It is not possible to not select a dungeon after walking off the screen in the dungeon zone.

[edit] Battles: Dungeons

A town may have more than one dungeon area. When the player's character walks out of the screen, the player comes to a map with several dungeons available. The accessibility of hidden dungeons and higher level dungeons each require a special "epic quests" earned from an NPC in town and the clear status of lower level dungeons, respectively.

Battles take place in a player selected "dungeon" where a player starts off in a starting area "room," destroying monsters and collecting dropped items spoils. Upon destroying all enemies in a room, one or more doorways directed up, down, left, and right, leading out of the conquered room lights up to show its accessible. Through these the player enters a new room where more enemies are. The player may revisit any room cleared previously and cleared rooms remain enemy-less and any spoils dropped on the ground remain. Finally, the player may enter a specially lit doorway that flashes in a different color than normal doors. This is the gate to the dungeon boss, where normal monsters and the dungeon bosses lurk. The dungeon is cleared as soon as the moment the boss dies, and any monsters left alive instantly die along with their boss, their experience points automatically added up to the players, and drop whatever items they have are dropped. If a player leaves the dungeon before killing the boss, or dies in battle without using a resurrection coin, a countdown will start and the player will be exited out of the battle.

Upon the Death of the Boss: When the Boss dies, the screen reverts to a blue "stage final scores" screen where the player is shown the scores of Technique bonuses(score total of: skills used, overkills, critical hits, and back attacks), Style Bonuses(specials and 5+ combos), and Dodge Bonuses. (The lesser times hit by an enemy, the higher the score) The totals add to give the player a rank from F to SSS. (F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.) The player may receive extra bonus experience points according to if the player character cleared the stage with a good ranking, with party members, played within a licensed internet cafe, has a special event going on, etc. These bonuses are accumulative. The total score adds to the character's experience points.

Then the player gets to choose a reward card from the spoils pile. If the player cleared the dungeon with another party member, there will be as many reward cards to choose as the number of players. Each person may only choose one card and the other players may see what other people was rewarded. Rewards consist of two parts: gold and one item. (sometimes there are no items) There is a 3 second countdown for the reward selection screen, and after the countdown is up the cards are chosen randomly.

When the score and reward screen is gone a campfire is automatically generated in the boss room. This campfire has no effects whatsoever to the player except for visual appeal. The boss room gates remain closed, but players are free to pickup unspoiled items and whatever they want to do before they either choose to leave the dungeon safely to town, choose a different dungeon from the same area map, or retry the same dungeon (starting with full hp and mana; and all items and experiences are NOT reset)

Mini-Map: A minimap to the top right corner of the screen shows the room layout of the dungeon. Unvisited places are not marked, and accessible but not yet visited places are marked with a flashing question mark. In the minimap, boss rooms and normal rooms have no different appearances.

Mini-Bosses: Mini bosses look like normal monsters, but are marked with a special aura emanating around them and a specially colored name above them and their special status or special abilities. (example: Icy Tau Guard, Freezes upon attack)Mini bosses are not that much harder to take on than normal monsters, but they do have extra hp and their levels maybe higher than normal ones. Upon death, a picture of a good luck sack/charm appears next to the minimap in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and a number next to it showing how many minibosses killed. More minibosses killed will result in better rewards when the dungeon is cleared.

Difficulty levels: Sometimes when a player clears a dungeon, he will be noted that there is a new difficulty level accesible for that specific dungeon. Dungeons of more difficulty levels can be selected by clicking on the arrows underneath a dungeon icon. The second level of difficulty is labelled as "Expert's Road," the 3rd level "Master's Road," and the 4th level "Kings's Road." Higher difficulty results in monsters with more hp and more chances for a player to make misses in his attacks.

[edit] External links