Talk:Duane Hanson

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Duane Hanson

 Duane hanson was born in Alexandria, Minnisota, in 1925. He lived on a farm as a dairy farmers son.  

As a child Duane Hanson loved the Human form, and when he got older he hoped that he would get to draw or build them.

  Because of his love of art he went to an art school and received a BA from the Malclester College4 located in St. Paul in 1946 and later he studied sculptor at Cranbrook Academy. 
Later in his life Duane hanson moved to Germany in 1953 and stayed there until 1960.  From there Hanson moved first to Atlanta, Georgia, then to Florida in 1956 until hhe died in 1996.
  For a short time in his life Duane Hanosn worked o na German Academic Exchange Service, also known as DAAD grant.  

Even though Hanson waws a very good artist the world turned dow his work saying that it was not good enough.