DS Download Play

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Nintendo DS Download Play is the system in which Nintendo DS owners who don't own a game can still play the game with someone who has it.

Wireless multiplayer comes in two styles: multi- and single-card play. For single-card play, the player with the actual game will boot their system and select the single-card multiplayer option. The other players will then select "DS Download Play" on the their units and will receive the necessary data to play the game. The data is lost when the system is shut down.

Another form of download play is in the form of kiosks at stores. These are DS Download Stations. Nintendo has sent out DS units preloaded with various movies and video game demos; store owners simply set them up, along with advertising the download station. They can be found in video game specialty shops like EB Games and GameStop, as well as retail chains like Target. Demos vary from store-to-store.