Talk:Dread Empire's Fall

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[edit] The Praxis Social Structure section:

This Paragraph "Another clause to the Praxis ensured a distinct social structure. The Shaa were below the Praxis, the Convocation were below the Shaa, the rest of the Peer society were below the Convocation, and had internal structure therein with individual clans being superior or otherwise inferior to each other, and then there were the Commoners, in essence the poor people. In a similar divide as seen here on earth, ten percent of the empires population (predominantly the Peerage) held ninety percent of it's wealth, and they weren't afraid to display it either."

Removed this clause: "and had internal structure therein with individual clans being superior or otherwise inferior to each other," As under the Praxis all peers are equal (hence the term peer) it is only in the peers own views that this internal clan structure exists. - AR

True, I had also mentioned that later in the section about the Peers so thanks forclearing that up.--Aurons Ghost 11:59, 29 July 2006 (UTC)