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[edit] About me

Hello! My Wikipedia username is DragonHawk. Feel free to call me that. My True Name is "Benjamin Scott". Feel free to call me that. Most people (myself included) just use "Ben". Feel free to call me that. But please don't call me "That".  ;)

ObBiographicalDrivel: In Real Life, I live in New Hampshire, in the New England region of the United States. I'm a geek, a professional sysadmin by trade. I'm big into Linux and Free Software, and am heavily involved in my local LUG. I also know a fair bit about professional Microsoft Windows administration, although personally, I don't like Microsoft. I have a good understanding of technology and science in general. Outside of the geek/career stuff, I'm also interested in science fiction, and read heavily. I also like music, especially rock, double-especially classic rock. My favorite band is Rush.

[edit] Contact me

Feel free to contact me! I am open to suggestions, comments, commendations, and condemnations. Let me know what you think I'm doing right or wrong. Or just say "Hi".

You can always leave me a message on my talk page. Please separate threads using section headings. Lately I haven't been checking in at Wikipedia as often as I used to, but I will eventually get any message left there.

My email address consists of my Wikipedia username, at the domain used by Google's email service. Anyone who can understand that is welcome to email me.  :-)

[edit] Wiki tools

I keep these here for easy access. They're mostly for me, although the ideas may be useful to others.