Dragon's Teeth (Voyager episode)

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Voyager dodges through a wrecked cityscape while firing multiple phaser beams at its swarm of attackers.
Voyager dodges through a wrecked cityscape while firing multiple phaser beams at its swarm of attackers.

Dragon's Teeth is a sixth season episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

The episode name refers to the Greek legend of Dragon's Teeth, where the teeth of a slain dragon were sown into the battlefield. The teeth transformed into an army of warriors, who continued to fight.

Voyager inadvertently trespasses into underspace corridors under the control of the Turei. The Turei demand access to Voyager's computers in order to wipe out all information concerning the corridors, which Captain Janeway declines. The Turei vessel respond by firing on Voyager, crippling the ship and forcing it to land on a nearby planet. The planet is the home world of the Vaadwaur, the ancient enemy of the Turei. The crew of the Voyager discover several hundred Vaadwaur in stasis tubes; they awaken the Vaadwaur and are told how the Vaadwaur were the victims of the aggressive Turei and their allies. Voyager plans a joint a venture to escape the planet and the Turei fleet now orbiting it. Voyager learns that it was in fact the Vaadwaur who were the aggressive species, and that they are planning a plot to become the domiant species in the region again. Captain Janeway realizes what they were planning to do, so she decides to limit the number of armed ships they would use in the operation. The Vaadwaur reply by attacking Voyager with several squadrons of attack craft.

[edit] Battle

Voyager is forced to make a rapid ascent through the planets atmosphere, while under heavy fire from the Vaadwaur fighters. Despite poor sensor performance and eventual battle damage to the targeting sensors — which forces a switch to manual targeting — Voyager performs amazing feats of targeting during the battle, scoring direct hits even when firing three arrays simultaneously. Voyager, although 900 years more advanced, is nearly overwhelmed by the sheer number of Vaadwaur vessels. Voyager contacted the Turei forces orbiting the planet and assisted them in targeting the Vaadwaur ships, giving them time to get out of the planets thermosphere and engage warp drive. The Turei and Vaadwaur fleets were left to battle each other.

[edit] Aftermath

It is noted before the conclusion of the episode that several Vaadwaur were able to avoid the Turei and enter a subspace corridor.

[edit] Trivia

Footage of the Turei orbital bombardment of Vaadwaur cities was later reused in the opening credits of the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "In a Mirror, Darkly" to represent an attack by the Terran Empire.