Draft Mark Warner

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The Draft Mark Warner for President movement was founded the day after the 2004 Presidential election by Democratic Activist Eddie Ratliff of Virginia. Ratliff created the 2004 Virginia for Wesley Clark network and managed Clark’s Virginia ballot initiative. Clark was the last to enter the democratic primary in Virginia and the first on the ballot. Soon after the website, http://www.draftmarkwarner.com was created, Ratliff was joined by Steve Deak and Eddie Hartman who were also initial Co-Founders of the movement. Steve Deak was a Loudoun County Democratic Party Chair and County Coordinator for Gov. Warner’s 2001 campaign. He now is the Southern Regional Director for Draft Mark Warner. Hartman, a lawyer and partner at the notorious Legal Zoom law firm (represented O.J. Simpson) and is working on efforts in Southern California. Delegate Onzlee Ware, of the Virginia House of Delegates serves as the Official DMW Spokesperson.

After the election of Governor Tim Kaine in November of 2005, the Draft kicked into high gear, creating networks in dozens of states and running events nationwide. On March 9th, 2006 the Draft Mark Warner filed papers with the Federal Elections Commission and officially became the Draft Mark Warner for President PAC. Terry Frye, the Bristol, Virginia Commissioner of Revenue serves as the PAC's Treasurer along with Virginia Democratic Activist Joan Baker Washburn as the Assistant Treasurer.

Draft Mark Warner started its on the ground operations at the West Virginia Democratic Party Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on April 27th, 2005. Since then DMW has done dozens of events nationwide spreading the accomplishments of Governor Warner and helping to up his name recongition.

Blue indicates states (15) that Draft Mark Warner has attended a statewide, regional or county event or held some sort of meetup. Gray indicates states (4) where they have plans to attend a function in the near future:

Currently the Draft has State Directors or Coordinators in 31 states, and other affiliated groups such as Young Americans for Warner, Veterans for Warner, and Americans Abroad for Warner.

Since becoming a political action committee, Draft Mark Warner has raised several thousand dollars to run events nationwide. They kicked off a fundraising campaign based in Virginia, by getting high profile leaders to serve as Honorary Chairpeople in each region of the Commonwealth. They recently named longtime former State Senator Madison Mayre as Honorary Chairman of the Draft in Southwest Virginia.

[edit] Young Americans for Warner

Young Americans for Mark Warner, was established in February of 2006, in affiliation with Draft Mark Warner. YAFW kicked off their movement in March of 2006 at the North Carolina Young Democrats State Convention, and have been working events like the Young Democrats Conventions, College Democrat Conventions, and other local and statewide Young Democrats events. YAFW currently has Coordinators in several states and the movement is growing rapidly. They are also in the process of creating a website http://www.yafw.com which will be online soon.

New Jersey Democratic Activist Marshall Spevak serves as National Chairman of YAFW, and is also the founder.

[edit] Governor Warner's Decision

When Governor Warner decided against seeking the Democratic nomination for President, Draft Mark Warner and Young Americans for Warner essentially folded. The PAC has remained open until furthur notice.

[edit] External links