Double dribble

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For the video game called Double Dribble made for the Nintendo Entertainment System, see Double Dribble (video game)

In the game of basketball, a double dribble is a violation in which a player dribbles (bounces) the ball, clearly holds it with a combination of either one or two hands (while either moving or stationary), and then proceeds to dribble again without first either attempting a field goal or passing off to a teammate. It is also double dribbling if a player dribbles with both hands at the same time. Once the dribbling has stopped, the player cannot dribble again until after another player has touched the ball. The double dribble is formally known as the discontinued dribble.

A double dribble violation is also other forms of dribbling violations like striking the ball with a closed fist or dribbling the ball with both hands (the double dribble sign is called "illegal dribbeling"-sign in the rule book).

[edit] Official NBA rules

In the National Basketball Association, a dribble is movement of the ball, caused by a player in control, who throws or taps the ball into the air or to the floor.

The dribble ends when the player:
  1. Touches the ball simultaneously with both hands
  2. Permits the ball to come to rest while he is in control of it
  3. Tries for a shot
  4. Throws a pass
  5. Touches the ball more than once while dribbling, before it touches the floor
  6. Loses control of the ball
  7. Allows the ball to become dead

[edit] Officials' hand signals

If a double dribble occurs, the official will first blow his whistle. To signal the violation of a double dribble, the official will place both hands straight with fingers straight out in front of him palms facing the ground and move one hand up and the other hand down.

[edit] Violation

If a double dribble violation occurs, then the ball is awarded to the opposing team out of bounds at the approximate point where the violation took place.