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DOSKey is a utility for MS-DOS that adds command history and macro functionality to the DOS prompt. It is built into cmd.exe in Windows NT, although the DOSKey command is still used to change its operation.
[edit] Usage
DOSKey allows the use of several command switches:
/REINSTALL | Installs a new copy of DOSKey. |
/LISTSIZE=[size] | Sets size of command history buffer to size. |
/MACROS | Displays all DOSKey macros. |
Displays all DOSKey macros for all executables which have DOSKey macros. |
Displays all DOSKey macros for the given executable. |
/HISTORY | Displays all commands stored in memory. |
/INSERT | Specifies that new text you type is inserted in old text. |
/OVERSTRIKE | Specifies that new text overwrites old text. |
/EXENAME=exename | Specifies the executable. |
/MACROFILE=filename | Specifies a file of macros to install. |
[macroname] | Specifies a name for a macro you create. |
[text] | Specifies commands you want to record. |
During a DOSKey session, the following keyboard shortcuts can be used:
Up and Down | Recall commands |
Esc | Clears command line |
F7 | Displays command history |
Alt-F7 | Clears command history |
F8 | Searches command history |
F9 | Selects a command by number |
Alt-F10 | Clears macro definitions |
DOSKey macro definitions can use the following special codes:
$T | Command separator. Allows multiple commands in a macro. |
$1-$9 | Batch parameters. Equivalent to %1-%9 in batch programs. |
$* | Symbol replaced by everything following macro name on command line. |