User:Doric Loon/PIE Root *reg-

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[edit] Description

The Proto-Indo-European root *reg- may have meant 'to straighten out' or 'rule' and is no longer reconstructed as such but rather *H3reg-.

[edit] Comments, criticisms and controversies

[edit] Derivations

[edit] Anatolian

[edit] Common Anatolian

[edit] Hittite

[edit] Other

[edit] Albanian

[edit] Armenian

[edit] Baltic

[edit] Western Baltic

[edit] Eastern Baltic

[edit] Celtic

[edit] Common Celtic

*réks, gen. *régos (King)

[edit] Gaulish

Gaulish -rix (a king), pl. -riges - known from personal names including Vircingetorix

[edit] Celtiberian

[edit] Goidelic

Old Irish (a king), Scottish Gaelic righ (right)

[edit] Brythonic

Welsh rhi (a king) - here r is lenited, Breton reizh (right, correct), Cornish ruy (a king), Middle Breton roe

[edit] Germanic

[edit] Common Germanic

Common Germanic (rich), (realm, empire, kingdom) (Probably from a Celtic source)
Common Germanic (right, correct)

[edit] Eastern Germanic

Gothic raihts (right, correct)

[edit] Western Germanic

English rich, German reich
English bishopric, German Reich
English right -> copyright (widely borrowed), German recht

[edit] Northern Germanic

Old Norse ríkr -> Swedish rik, Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian nynorsk rik
Old Norse ríki -> Swedish rike, Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian nynorsk rike
Old Norse rettr -> Swedish rätt, Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian nynorsk rett

[edit] Hellenic

Greek orektos (stretched out), réks (a king) - a Middle Greek word borrowed from Latin in the Medieval epoch.

[edit] Indo-Iranian

[edit] Common Indo-Iranian

[edit] Indo-Aryan

Sanskrit rājā(king); mahārājāh (great king) (both widely borrowed)

[edit] Dardic

[edit] Nuristani

[edit] Iranian

Avestan raé (wealth, wealthy), raya (rich person) - a supposed word; rástar (a leader)
Persian rahst (right, correct)

[edit] Italic

[edit] Common Italic

[edit] Latin

Latin rex (king), regere (rule), rectus (straight), directus (from dirigere <- dis-regere, widely borrowed), correctus (from corrigere <- com-regere, widely borrowed)

[edit] Romance

Latin directus -> Spanish derecho (rights/ rightward), French droit (rights) Latin rex -> Spanish rey, French roi

[edit] Slavic

[edit] Common Slavic

[edit] South Slavic

[edit] East Slavic

[edit] West Slavic

[edit] Tocharian

[edit] Tocharian A

[edit] Tocharian B

[edit] Other/Unclassified

Thracian rhesus, resos, rézos (Eponym meaning king)

[edit] Related Roots

[edit] In meaning

[edit] In appearance


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