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Doh-ol (도올) is the pen name of the contemporary South Korean philosopher Young-Oak Kim (sometimes given as Doal Kim Yong-ok or Tool Kim Yong-ok), born 1948.

Doh-ol is considered the nation's leading philosopher dealing with public issues and explaining Oriental philosophy to the public, as in his well-known explanation of Keumjangkyung, Lao-tzu's Dodukkyung on television and in public lectures. In addition to philosophy, he has worked in Oriental medicine, painting, play writing, and movie writing and directing. He is an authority on all major Far Eastern philosophical movements.

[edit] Filmography

[edit] Bibliography

  • Hyegang Choe Han-gi wa Yugyo / Tool Kim Yong-ok. Soul-si : Tongnamu, 2004. (Series: Kim, Yong-ok, Selections. 2003 ; 3.) LCCN B5254.C54K538
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