Doğan class

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Doğan class fast attack missile boat of the Turkish Navy
Doğan class fast attack missile boat of the Turkish Navy

DOĞAN Class is one of the fast attack missile & torpedo boat classes of the Turkish Navy.

Designed by Lürssen Werft in Germany, these ships are almost identical with the Yıldız and Rüzgar classes, having the same hull, machinery and weapons. They were fitted with LIOD Mk2 electro-optical fire control and TACTICOS command control systems during their mid-life modernization program.

TCG Doğan was built in Germany, other ships of the class were built in Turkey.


[edit] Technical specifications

Displacement: 436 t

Dimensions: 58.10 m x 7.62 m x 2.74 m

Propulsion: 4 x MTU Diesel / 12000 HP / 4 Propellers

Economic speed: 30 knots

Maximum speed: 38 knots

Range: 1,050 nautical miles @ 30 knots

Sensors: WM 28/41 fire control; LIOD Mk2 fire control; 1226 navigation; 2 decoy RL, SUSIE-1 intercept

Cannons: 1 x Oto Melara 76 mm, 1 dual 35 mm AA, 2 x 7.62 mm MG

Missiles: 8 x Harpoon SSM

Crew: 40

[edit] List of Doğan class fast attack missile boats

P-340 DOĞAN launched 16 June 1976 commissioned 23 December 1977
P-341 MARTI launched 28 July 1977 commissioned 1 August 1978
P-342 TAYFUN launched 19 July 1979 commissioned 10 July 1980
P-343 VOLKAN launched 11 August 1980 commissioned 12 May 1981
Ship classes of the Turkish Navy
Frigates SalihReis Class | Barbaros Class | Yavuz Class | G Class | TF-2000 Class
Corvettes Milgem Class | B Class
Submarines Gür Class | Preveze Class | Atılay Class | AIP Class
Fast Attack Missile & Torpedo Boats Kılıç Class | Yıldız Class | Rüzgar Class | Doğan Class | Kartal Class
Mine Warfare Ships A Class Mine Hunter | E Class Mine Hunter | F Class Mine Sweeper | S Class Mine Sweeper | K Class Mine Sweeper
Main Landing Ships OsmanGazi Class | SarucaBey Class | Ertuğrul Class LST | LPD Class
Landing Crafts Ç-117 Class LCT | Ç-302 Class LCM

[edit] See also

[edit] External links