User:Ditaylor/draft projects
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Projects I am watching
1. Second Life: A Platform for Homeland Security The Synthetic Environments for Emergency Response Simulation (SEERS) project aims to provide cost effective mission rehearsal and virtual prototyping tools for the emergency response community. The project, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is part of the core research program of the Emergency Readiness and Response Research Center (ER3C) at Dartmouth College's Institute for Security Technology Studies.[1]
SLE-CERT (ISTS - Dartmouth College) Second Life Exercises for Community Emergency Response Teams (SLE-CERT) is a virtual town environment where CERT members can come together to exercise their training. SLE-CERT is part of the Synthetic Environments for Emergency Response Simulation (SEERS) project at the Institute for Security Technology Studies at Dartmouth College. This project was started by a member of Future Prototype who is a staff researcher at the institute. Future Prototype was hired specifically to build a replica of downtown Hanover, NH. SLURL[secondlife://Response/128/128] Future prototype[2]
1a. Institute of Rural Health at Idaho State University Ramesh Ramloll - currently working on simulation and distance learning technologies in areas related to telemedicine, emergency preparedness and medical device usability - completing the construction of a virtual environment on Asterix and Obelix (two islands in SL) to support emergency preparedness table top exercises and hope to evaluate this method of learning. Idaho Bioterrorism Awareness and Preparedness Program's Play2Train a virtual training space in SecondLife designed to support Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), Simple Triage Rapid Transportation (START), Risk Communication and Incident Command System (ICS) Training. This virtual environment spreads over two islands Asterix and Obelix (65536 x 2 sq. meters), with one island dedicated to a virtual town and the other a virtual hospital. The design of this virtual environment is influenced by dioramas frequently used by emergency services to support their tabletop exercises Cannot Link: play2train hopto org -- find in Google
1b. CDC Hygeia Philo (male) Office of the CDC Director, Office of Enterprise Communications. The lead for Project Fulcrum; an initiative to advance public health using new media, to recruit new persons into public health careers, and to reinvigorate old public health brands that have fallen by the wayside. Before this assignment, I have served for the last five years as Associate Director for Communications Science in the Center at CDC that deals with HIV, STDs and TB (called NCHSTP, for short). In that role, I was charged with lead responsibility for managing campaigns, media, special projects, contracts, issues management, exhibits, and clearance of communications products and materials for the Center. I have worked at CDC in a variety of communications positions, in several areas. I have a PhD in Health Promotion and Behavior, and a Masters degree in Public Administration. I have been working in SL on a daily basis, part time, for almost 8 months now. As far as others at CDC - the National Center for Environmental Health is exploring how to educate about toxic waste in SL, and the Strategic National Stockpile is exploring training issues in SL. The Injury Center is also thinking about how to get involved, too.
2. Future Salon: The Future Salon Network was founded by the Acceleration Studies Foundation (ASF), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that networks industry leaders, entrepreneurs and strategists seeking to better understand and manage accelerating technological change. ASF produces the annual Accelerating Change conference at Stanford University and is beginning a major foresight project called The Metaverse Roadmap: Pathways to the 3D Web. [3]
From Social search, the archiving and sharing of our favorite online and real world activities, ideas and experiences, is coming of age and going visual. Wikipedia, with over 4.6 million articles in 200 languages, is now the 20th most-visited website. Social photosharing communities like Flickr bring us into each other's visual lives as never before. Democratic social bookmarking, blogging, and syndicating sites like Digg have grown from 17,000 to 400,000 users in 12 months. Video-enhanced social networking sites like MySpace and Bebo now have over 200 million unique collective users. YouTube, currently the most popular of internet video sites, has 100 million downloads and 65,000 uploads per day. New browsers like Flock make blogging, RSS syndication, ranking, sharing, and commenting easier than ever before.
Among social virtual worlds, the 2.5D world Habbo Hotel now has 7 million youth users in 18 countries. The 3D virtual world Second Life has doubled from 160,000 to 330,000 accounts in four months (March to July 2006). The global market for asset trading, object creation, and services rendered in virtual worlds is estimated at anywhere from $200 million to $1.5 billion per year (mostly undocumented and untaxed at present). In Japan, social networking sites like GaiaX entice their users into online games and virtual worlds as just one of many social options. Early location-based games are emerging in Asia.
In the simulation space, virtual prototyping software is making great strides in industry, bringing us closer to an era of Fab Lab prototyping and product hacking/customization. 3D navigation systems are emerging in the automotive market in Japan and Europe. Local-positioning systems, like 3M's RFID Tracking Solution, and modeling advances like ArcGIS, Google Earth, and SketchUp are allowing us to create "mirror world" versions of physical space like never before...
3. Math Island – University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaigne (also offer tutorials and IBM-UIUC-Wharton) [4] [5]
4. BP Training Simulation [6] Tim Allen, Crompco Corp (FlipperPA Peregrine) built virtual gas station showing all the tanks and gas lines under the ashphalt. He says its much easier to grasp the station's workings this way than it is on paper. 'Great for training new hires and showing changing regulations to existing employees' Demonstration witnessed by Ali Andrews [7] : "The ashphalt suddenly disappears so the trainees can see all the pipes and valves below ground. The face of the pump does the same so they can see how it is constructed. Finally a simulated fire is started and the trainees have to follow proper procedures to address the situation.
5. Public Consultations using Democracy Island (New York Law School) Jerry Paffendorf, the project manager for Democracy Island, calls the work a "3-D wiki," ... Democracy Island is funded by a $50,000 grant from the International Center for Automated Information Research to the New York Law School's Institute for Information Law and Policy. Paffendorf says all kinds of groups have expressed an interest in Democracy Island and Second Life, including the World Bank, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, some nonprofits and at least one tech startup. The Department of Transportation is looking for new ways of hearing feedback on its projects and rule changes - like whether cell phones should be allowed on airplanes, a probable future project on the island. [8]
6. Chris Carella, Future Prototype is helping create 3-D elements of an interactive global warming game designed by LexIcon Systems of Sharon, Vt. The National Science Foundation is providing a small business innovation research grant.
7. The Metaverse Project. [9] Sandy Ressler from NIST has been working on 3D browsers such as VRML. He recently said of the new generation of technology 'The presentation was completely solid and reacted in exactly the way one would expect and there were no glitches whatsoever. Maybe this 3D stuff is actually going to work !' A 10-year roadmapping project started in May 2006, subtitled 'pathways to the 3D web' PODCASTS AVAILABLE Affected Economic Sectors Resources: Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, Fishing Products: Energy, Construction, Architecture, Manufacturing,Business and Consumer Products Services:Government, Law, <ilitary, Security, Health, Medicine, Education, Entertainment, Media, Banking, Finance, Insurance, Transportation, Travel, Tourism, Retail, Wholesale, NGOs, Nonprofit, International Development, Science, R&D IT: ITm Computer Science, Industrial and Process automation, Applications, Databases, Architecture, Hardware, Infrastructure, Languages, Protocols, Standards, Machine learning, AI, Natural Language processing, Virtualisation, Visual interface, networking, communication, sensors, haptics, robotics, fabrication, imaging.
8. NOAA Outreach [10] NOAA has taken the step of purchasing a “virtual island” •Simple as shipping an install CD to an interested party •Potential of reaching thousands of people •Ideas limited only by our imagination
9. Microsoft Video [11]
10. NMR in 3D and animation [12]
11. NASA's Spectroscopy Wiki [13] [14]
12. Enterprise Wikis and tagging for knowledge sharing (eg. Dogear by IBM) [15] Seedwiki: [16]
13. Link to Google: [17] SignIn: [18]
14. Tagging the planet and Google GeoLocation event: [19]
15. CiteUlike Watchlist: [20]
16. Google HomePage: [21]
17. LSL Wiki : [22]
18. NMC Campus : [23] Movie: [24] A virtual tour of the campus: [25] [26]
19. Google calendar. Add a 'subscribe using google calendar' link: [27]
20. ICT Library SLURL. Includes information on running RL/SL events: [28]
21. IBM - lots of mentions inworld but also see their May 06 feature: [ ] Ian Hughes - epredator Potato (co-authors a blog by four people “working in and around IBM’s Hursley Park Lab in the UK”) e.g. IBM Wimbledon in SL: [29] He recommended me to IBM Global Innovation Site[30] See Page 21 [31]
22. SL/RL Media Best Practices [[32]]
23. A simple explanation of SL: [[33]]
24. Simteach's top sites Science and Health
UC Davis' Virtual Halucination (James Linden) - Heart Murmur Sim (medical assessment experiment, built 3/06) - International Spaceflight Museum - The Second Life Planetarium (Chaac Amarula) - Solar Eclipse Planetarium (Aimee Webber) - Svarga (Laukosargas Svarog's virtual eco-system) -
25. Spaceflight Museum BLOG
26. Worldbridges tour of spacecraft museum [34]
27. Otherland - not quite with it yet [35]
28. Social Simulation Research Lab, a hub in Second Life for cyber-knowledge. This is the research home of Aleks Krotoski, a PhD student at the University of Surrey in the UK. Mynci Gorky
29. second life educators
30. Maya importer beta
32. March 2006 eclipse
33. Lawrence Lessig
34. Hamlet Au article on journalism in SL at
35. NPL Lectures URL
36. CiteUlike education SL reading list
37. Blogging from within SecondLife:
38. News cuttings:
39. MetaXLR8SL
40. Metaverse Roadmap: The official roadmap (note - not yet updated from workshop) For inputs to, comments and votes on the roadmap For the community to describe themselves Sources and external links Several opportunities exist for public participation in development of the roadmap.
Metaverse Roadmap Public Wiki Do you have metaverse resources to recommend that you don't see on our Resources page? Would you like to share ideas or data for the roadmap that you don't see on our Roadmap Inputs page? Please make your own contributions through our Metaverse Roadmap Public Wiki. Wiki contributors may list themselves at our Roadmapping Contributors Wiki for networking purposes, and will be periodically posted to our Contributors and Reviewers page. MVR Roundtables at Leading Conferences Beginning in March 2006 we have been conducting Metaverse Roadmap Roundtables at select technology, business, and social foresight conferences (GDC, O'Reilly ETech, Where 2.0, etc.). We brainstorm various roadmap elements at these events in small group sessions with interested attendees. All who attend the roundtables are invited to be a reviewer and public contributor on the map. MVR Community Mailing List To be notified of upcoming workshops, roadmap developments, and to receive advance reviewer copies of the draft roadmap, send us your name, affiliation, and contact information and we'll add you to our MVR Community mailing list. We'll also send you an invitation to our Metaverse Roadmap forum when that launches later in 2006.
41. NPL Wikis
42. Simteach Graduate Wiki
43. Useful handout
44. education in SL
46. New Globe Theatre Ping Reuben Tapioca in Second Life for details.
47. Dan Bricklin's Wikicalc demo
48. LL Economic Stats
49. NMC Guests SL and RL names!
50 ISFM Blog
51. Sport in SL
52. Open Sauce!
53. Seifert Surface's Hypercube simulation house:
54. Guardian article
55. Electric Sheep people
56. ePredator's BLOG:
59. CDC Wired - the magicians,70153-0.html
60. Global Kids
61. Nature Magazine - social tagging
62. Transhumanist virtual conference
63. Channel 4
64. Language Lab
65. Anya's Blog
66. Cory Edo - building Starwood Hotel in SL
67. First SL Business Magazine
68. Parc's research on MMGs
69. Timo on Connotea
70. Dan Livingstone
80. Metaverse and Sheep
81. Branding and markets
82. SL Developers
83. Avatar interaction research
84. The TransVision 2006 annual conference of the World Transhumanist Association, Helsinki 17-19 August 2006, organized by the WTA and the Finnish Transhumanist Association, will be open to remote visitors in the virtual reality world of Second Life. TransVision 2006 website TransVision06, August 17-19: University of Helsinki, Finland, Europe This year the theme of the conference will be Emerging Technologies of Human Enhancement. We'll be looking at recent and ongoing technological developments and discussing associated ethical and philosophical questions. Program We will hold a mixed reality event between the Helsinki conference hall and Second Life:
85. Placelab
86. Geo RSS
87. Psych differences in perception - men/location
88. NIST Nisty Commerce The integration of virtual reality (VR) with manufacturing applications is a perfect fit. VR is usually defined as a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment, in which the user is both able to view and manipulate the contents of that environment. In VR, the visuals, sounds and sensations create an actual experience, leaving you free to explore the environment, gather information, and effectively solve problems. As a "real world" experiment we are currently collaborating with Black & Decker and the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory.
89. RSS Nano Feeds: feed://
90. SLCC 2006 91. RL/SL Events
93. About SL
94. Amazon in SL
95. You - tubed
96. NMC Getting Started in SL
97. Game physics and research resources multiple:
99. Terra Vita (Earth Life in Latin), a name chosen via a survey of LIFE Center members. There is room for many of LIFE’s research, education, and outreach goals to be addressed in SL. John Bransford, Drue Gawel, and Baba Kofi Weusijana of the University of Washington’s College of Education have a research project underway to investigate the relationship between learning and interactivity in Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs). Participants will experience a variety of problem solving environments, build learning theories based upon their experiences, and then relate their theories to the research literature (compared to the more typical procedure of learning simply by reading about these kinds of studies). There are many types of learning environments LIFE Center members and collaborators might build in order to help people learn more about learning, transfer and assessment and to conduct research on these topics.
Examples include…. Environments that teach about theories of learning Constructivist environments for synchronous group learning Constructionist environments for asynchronous and individual learning Environments for just-in-time learning and knowledge management Environments for assessing peoples’ preparation for future learning Environments for virtual LIFE Center meetings or events LIFE Creating New Psychophysiology Lab at UW Byron Reeves, a LIFE Strand Leader in Implicit Learning, conducts laboratory experiments on how people respond to media (see picture). He uses physiological measures of heart rate and skin conductance to understand the relationship between arousal and learning. Due to the interdisciplinary focus of LIFE research, a similar data collection space is now being set up in the College of Education at the University of Washington.
100. Museum Blog Davee
101. Henrik Linden on 2D vs 3D
102. SL Education Wiki
103. SL Handbook
104. State of play conferences
105. Responses to Metaverse summit
106. uBrowser:
107. BBC's Memories website
108. Wiki symposium
109. Design agents
110. About NOAA:
111. Global Kids and Copyright
112. New York Law School is teaching in 'There'
114. Information resources in SL: feed://
115. Jeff McNeil PhD student in Communication and Information Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I am working with the LILT research group ( on collaborative learning in multi-user virtual environments, especially in terms of gesture, embodiment and space. Both Second Life and are my target research environments. Methods will likely be ethnomethodology-inspired, and intend to elucidate collaborative learning behavior in virtual environments, as well as inform their design.
116. Amazon evangelist
117. NASA Transcript
118. Educational research in SL The practice stations that I have developed in-world are located at Campus 175, 95, 24, a short video describing each of the stations is linked to my website. Cheryl Carter, Pepperdine University.
119. Virtual Worlds comparison chart:
120. Maya's Josh Knauer
121. Educational technologies and tutorials (general and SL)
122. Vivox
123. SL cheat sheets
124. Open access and impact
125. Southampton Univ ePrint self archiving
126. Science Commons
127. Bio- animations
128. Book promotion in SL
129. Ad Agencies in SL Mediasphere - 3D version coming soon
130. Infinite Mind Radio
131.Of interest to psychologists - Aspergers and SL
132. Machinima in SL
133. Latest on imports CAD to SL
134. Popularity of various wikis
135. Wiki as CMS for website and for blogs:
136. Jnana
137. Jeff Barr
138 Backnetwork <a href="" title=""></a> <a href="" title=""></a>/
139. Eye for Pharma Wiki
140. Seriosity whose mission is to change the nature of work through gaming technology
141. Cyworld
142. Games for education: