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[edit] Me

Hello. I am a college student from San Diego, California, United States.

I have primarily contributed to articles related to San Diego (particularly San Diego sports), NRMs, cults, and the anti-cult movement--the latter three less out of any particular interest in the topic than from stumbling upon it.

My biases and personal info:

I was born in the 1980s. I am a child of the 1990s. I am a sports fan: baseball, football, and ice hockey in particular, although I have been known to show more than a passing interest in basketball, soccer, lacrosse and various other sports. I played basketball very badly in high school. I am a male of Jewish, Russian, Norwegian and Czech ancestry. I consider myself ethnically Jewish and religiously apathetic. I try to avoid conversations about Middle East conflicts, but I have been known to show favoritism towards Judaism and Israel, and at times Christianity within this context. To those who find themselves at odds with this, I sincerely apologize. I hold no views against Arabs or Islam although I feel that some Middle Eastern policy is unfortunately misguided. I am not religiously observant, but I have had religious experiences at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. I have lived in a few places and visited several more, but am particularly fond of San Diego, Tucson, Minneapolis, Chicago and Tel Aviv.

I subscribe wholly to the ideals of humanism. I feel that religious beliefs have no place in legislation or education, and vice versa. I make no connection between morality and religion-based ideals in my personal existence; this leads some to perceive me as a relativist. My personal goals center on what I can do within my body of flesh and blood on this Earth to better myself and the world around me, and I don't feel that I

[edit] Current Interests

Ladino, the historic language of the Sephardim.

The Who, 1960s British rock band.

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