District Count of Barrayar

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Count is a title and position in the government of Barrayar in Lois McMaster Bujold's sci-fi series the Vorkosigan Saga.

[edit] Role of the Counts

Barrayar is divided into 60 districts. Each Count owns and governs his district. It appears that only Vor can be counts and only males at that. Countship is hereditary, usually, though each Count can name his own heir.

The count is referred to as "Count Vor(name)" while the heir is always "Lord Vor(name)". The count's wife is "Countess Vor(name)" and the heir's wife is "Lady Vor(name)".

The counts meet in the Council of Counts which works much like the upper house of a legislature. Emperor Gregor is also Count Vorbarra, holding a position formally known as "first among equals", by virtue of descent from Dorca Vorbarra, who first unified the warring fiefdoms of Barrayar. Although holding a vote in the Council of Counts, by tradition he withholds it, or uses it to break ties in favor of the status quo.

One of the most important functions of the Council of Counts is to appropriate money and levy taxes. Without money the Imperium cannot pursue its policies. This is one of the major checks on Imperial power. Other laws are made in parliamentary fashion, with Council sending bills to the Emperor for his approval.

Counts and Counts' heirs cannot be tried in standard courts on Barrayar. They can only be tried in the Council of Counts. However, they face tighter rules in their everyday lives. For instance, the charge of mutiny in the military becomes treason when applied to a Count or his heirs.

[edit] Origins of the Counts

Counts were originally Accountants or Imperial tax collectors. They collected taxes for the Emperor. Now, they are much more governors, or "District Emperors" than tax collectors. In order to keep small wars from breaking out as they did during the "Bloody Centuries", each Count is allowed only 20 personal guards, known as "Armsmen". Only Vor or their Armsmen are allowed weapons. Raising private armies is a violation of "Vorlopoulos' Law", and is treason. Some Counts attempt to circumvent the laws by keeping large numbers of cooks or gardeners, all of whom use tools which can double as weapons. These attempts are squashed as quickly as possible, often by other Counts who fear an "arms" race.

[edit] Real World Basis

The whole setup is not unlike early-Meiji-era Japan, particularly since Barrayar was isolated from the rest of the known galaxy for many centuries, and devolved into a quasi-medieval level of technology.