Distributed internet backup system

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Distributed internet backup system
Developer: Emin Martinian
Latest release: 0.93 / 2006-04-13
OS: Cross-platform
Use: Backup
License: BSD license
Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dibs

Distributed Internet Backup System (DIBS) is a system for backing up data by exchanging it with peers on the Internet.

The goal of the project is to provide a simple, secure, and robust system. DIBS is inspired by the idea that since disk drives are cheap, backup should be cheap too.

Mirroring your own data by adding more storage to your computer is less than ideal because a fire, flood, power surge, etc. could still wipe out your local data center. Instead, DIBS gives your files to peers (and in return stores their files) so that, in the event of a catastrophe, you can recover data from surviving peers.

Note that DIBS is a backup system not a file sharing system like Napster, Gnutella, Kazaa, etc. In fact, DIBS automatically encrypts all data transmissions so that the peers with which you exchange files can not access your data.

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