Disciples of Ragnos

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The Disciples of Ragnos was a cult of Dark Jedi in the Video Game Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. It was led by Tavion Axmis, a young, female Dark Jedi.


[edit] History

[edit] Origin

The cult was created by Tavion for the sole purpose of resurrecting the former Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos two years after Desann's invasion of the Jedi Academy. When Kyle Katarn asked what a dead Sith Lord could ever give her, she replied "Everything I ever wanted." She created the cult when she acquired the Sceptor of Ragnos from a Commoner on Coruscant, killing him afterward. This Sceptor had the power to drain Dark Side Force Energy on such a scope that it could render entire planets of their Dark Side Aura. When she found out that it was capable of releasing it, she used it to empower Imperials with the Dark Side, instantly corrupting them, turning them. These "Cultists", along with the gathered surviving Reborn (renamed New Reborn), would serve as her defense force.

[edit] Gathering Information

Before the cult could start it's task, however, Tavion needed to know what places contained a high residual Dark Side Aura. For this, she sent her new apprentice, Alora, on a Stealth Mission to the Jedi Academy to slice into and retrieve Luke Skywalker's records. Tavion created a short distraction for her by tearing apart the engines of an Academy Transport carrying new students with a blast from the Sceptor. Though Luke was at the Academy at the time, he quickly became occupied in a comlink conversation with the Transport's Pilot, giving Alora enough of a distraction to sneak into his room and slice his records, where she found a gamut of planets where he felt a strong Force presence. She then snuck out without much difficulty. Tavion then started to drain the force from Yavin at one of the Massasi Temples alongside the Kothos Twins, however, they had a witness: Jaden Korr had been spying on them from around the corner. His feet caused some rocks to roll off of the Temple. Tavion noticed and blasted Jaden with the Sceptor, which didn't prove fatal, but knocked him unconscious for awhile. She quickly finished and fled along with her apprentice, the Kothos Twins, and Alora's Cultist Assistant aboard an Imperial Shuttle.

[edit] Gathering Dark Energy

The cult then began to Siphon Dark Side Energy from various worlds at an alarming pace. The Jedi worked to prevent them from these thefts but they were largely unsuccessful. On top of that, the cult also committed other crimes, such as hiring mercenaries to Hijack Trams, attempting to release a mutated Rancor into a city and planning to use the ensuing chaos to steal supplies, etc.

[edit] Hoth

The cult went to Hoth at siphon more energy. An apparition of Obi-Wan Kenobi had been present on the planet during the Galactic Civil War, making it host to a huge source of power. They were able to drain the planet and even study the flight trajectories of the numerous ships leaving the planet during the Battle of Hoth. From it they were able to determine that Skywalker went to Dagobah, a huge source of power. Jaden defeated the Cultists there, but ultimately, his mission was a failure because he didn't get there in time.

[edit] Byss

The cult came to Byss because it was once a frequently-visited place for Emperor Palpatine, and thus, a huge source of power.

Though there are little details on the attack at Byss, it is known that Rosh Penin was sent there to prevent the Cultists from taking any energy there. The cult, however, proved too much for him. Instead of killing him, Tavion decided to convert him toward the dark Side, to which she succeeded in by using his own fear of dying against him.

[edit] Vjun

The cult, this time led by Penin, later visited Bast Castle on Vjun, one of Darth Vader's major Strongholds during the time when the Empire was at peak strength. Penin siphoned the force energy here, but was defeated by Korr. Tavion came to the rescue and escaped Vjun intact, albeit at the cost of the Kothos Brothers, two of the more prominent and powerful members.

[edit] Chandrilla

The cult's only failed attempt, Chandrilla was home to a sanctuary with a Jedi Tomb, a somewhat large source of power. Korr, however thwarted them this time and resealed the tomb.

[edit] Attempted Seduction of Jaden Korr

The cult then tried to gain a powerful ally by luring Jaden to Taspir III and turning him to the Dark Side by using his anger toward Rosh against him. The outcome depends on the player's choice:

[edit] Light Side

Jaden resists the Dark Side and Alora battles him. She dies trying to kill him and Rosh turns back to the Light.

[edit] Dark Side

Jaden kills Rosh and Alora offers him a place in the cult. However, he decides against this, saying "The sceptor is too powerful to be in the possession of someone as weak as Tavion! If anything, it should belong to me!" Alora then battles Jaden, but she cannot handle him in his rage and dies.

Either way, the cult loses both Alora and Rosh.

[edit] Defeat

Tavion assembles her entire cult on Korriban where Ragnos is buried. The Jedi intercept them and a massive battle ensues. Tavion enters the Tomb of Ragnos and feeds the energy into the Sarcophagus. Korr enters the tomb later and battles her. The outcome depends on the player's choice earlier:

[edit] Light Side

Tavion is overcome by Korr, but vows not to cower as did in the face of Katarn two years ago. She feeds the rest of the energy into the Sarcophagus, which revives Ragnos' Dark Spirit. "I will not be denied." He then possesses Tavion and pulls the Sword of Ragnos from the Sceptor. Korr and Ragnos then battle in a fierce duel until Korr finally overcomes him. He leaves Tavion's body, which collapses on the floor, dead due to the corruption. Ragnos vows to return and annihilate the Jedi and creeps back into his Sarcophagus. The Cultists lose their powers and the Reborn are captured or defeated.

[edit] Dark Side

Tavion, like her apprentice, is no match for Korr in his rage. She vows not to cower as she did before Katarn and he strikes her down and takes the Sceptor. After a battle with Katarn, he escapes aboard a hijacked Star Destroyer and leaves the rest of the cult stranded on Korriban.

Either way, the cult is defeated.

[edit] Sources

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

[edit] See also