
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The direve
The direve
en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user comes from Australia.
Firefox This user prefers Mozilla Firefox.
This user contributes using Vim.
This user entrusts the management of relational data to PostgreSQL.

[edit] I am

In no particular order or degree of completeness:

As a Wikipedian, I'm primarily interested in improving the accuracy, spelling, grammar and formatting of existing work, rather than creating new content.

php This user is a fluent PHP user.
c-2 This user is an intermediate C programmer.
perl-2 This user is an intermediate Perl programmer.
py-2 This user is an intermediate Python programmer.
sql This user uses SQL queries to locate car keys.
html-4 This user is an HTML expert.
css This user is a fluent CSS user.
xhtml-4 This user is an expert XHTML user.
xml-3 This user is an advanced XML coder.