Diponegoro University

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Diponegoro University (Indonesian: Universitas Diponegoro) better known as UNDIP, is an Indonesian university located in Semarang, Jawa Tengah. It was found in 1956 as a private university and in 1961 it was granted state university. Diponegoro is taken from an Indonesian hero who waged war against the Dutch colonialism in early 19th century.


[edit] Location

UNDIP is located in Semarang – the capital of Central Java. This university has 5 campuses outside Semarang until Jepara, about 70 km northeast Semarang.

Pleburan Campus is the oldest campus since the existed campuses were merged in its early establishment. This campus occupies seven-hectare area, which facilitates School of Social Sciences, Magister Program and some operational units. Gunung Brintik Campus is the place of School of Medicine located near Dr. Kariadi Hospital. The largest and the newest one, Tembalang Campus occupies about 213-hectare area, an administrative center and facilitates School of Science. Teluk Awur Campus (60 hectares) is located in Jepara, 70 kms northeast Semarang. The Teluk Awur Campus is the biggest of its kind in Indonesia, and currently become the home of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science.

[edit] History

The establishment of Diponegoro University began from mid-1956 preceded by establishment of Semarang University Foundation. Its founding fathers were Mr. Imam Bardjo, Mr. Soedarto, Mr. Dan Sulaiman and Mr. Soesanto Kartoatmodjo.

Officially Semarang University was opened on January 9, 1957. Considering its young age with the limited educational infrastructures, in that time educational institutions such as Academy of State Administration, Academy of Business Administration, Academy of Engineering (later School of Engineering) was just founded. Their 1st deans were Mr. Goenawan Goetomo (Academy of State Administration), Drs. Tjioe Sien Kiong (Academy of Business Administration), Prof. Ir. Soemarman (Academy of Engineering).

In the 3rd anniversary of Semarang University on 9 January 1960 President Soekarno changed the name of Semarang University to Diponegoro University, as the appreciation towards Semarang University for prestation in establishing the high educational field in Central Java. Diponegoro (Private) University was declared as a state university, since October 5, 1960, that became the birthday of Diponegoro University. The then faculties were School of Law and Public Science, School of Economics, School of Engineering and Normal School.

[edit] Human resources

Nowadays UNDIP is supported by qualified human resources. On September 1998, UNDIP had had 1750 academic staffs and 1065 administrative staffs. On the end September 1998, the registered students were 24,424. The ratio of lecturers and students exists in the ideal number 1 : 14. This number didn’t include freelance and half-time lecturers. UNDIP offers many departments. In the total 10 Faculty, there are 21 departments and 68 study program relevant to the necessity of surrounding communities. According to the lattest survey (2006) perform by The Times Magazine United Kingdom, UNDIP is included in the list of 500 best university worldwide.

[edit] External links

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