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Systematic name 1-Allyl-2,3-dimethoxy-4,5-
Chemical formula C12H14O4
Molecular mass 222.24 g/mol
Density 1.163 g/cm³
CAS number [484-31-1]
Disclaimer and references

Dillapiole or sometimes spelled Dillapiol is an organic chemical compound and essential oil commonly extracted from dill weed, though can be found in a variety of other plants.

[edit] Chemistry

Dillapiole is closly related to apiole having a methoxy group positioned differently on the benzene ring. It is also widely known to be the non-amine precursor of the psychotropic phenylisopropylamine 2,3-dimethoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine (dmmda-2).

[edit] References

  • Shulgin, Alexander. "Psychotropic Phenylisopropylamines derived from Apiole and Dillapiole". Nature 215, 1494-95 (1967)

[edit] External Links

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