Digital Curation Centre

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The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) has been established to help solve the extensive challenges of digital preservation and digital curation and to lead research, development, advice, and support services for UK higher education institutions.

Scientists, researchers and scholars across the UK generate increasingly vast amounts of digital data, with further investment in digitisation and purchase of digital content and information. The scientific record and the documentary heritage created in digital form are at risk from technology obsolescence, from the fragility of digital media, and from lack of the basics of good practice, such as adequate documentation for the data.

Working with other practitioners, the DCC supports UK institutions who store, manage and preserve these data to help ensure their enhancement and their continuing long-term use. The DCC also provides a national focus for research and development into digital curation issues and to promote expertise and good practice, both national and international, for the management of all research outputs in digital format.

The DCC represents a collaborative effort led by a consortium of four institutions, each bringing diverse experience in a range of Digital Curation areas. It brings together organisations across three Universities and a research council. Led by the University of Edinburgh, which hosts the School of Informatics, the National eScience Centre (NeSC), the EDINA national data centre, the AHRC Centre for the Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law, the DCC consortium includes HATII at the University of Glasgow, UKOLN at the University of Bath, and the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC].

[edit] See Also

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