From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a website dedicated to information regarding all facets of dog ownership.
Profiles on major breeds link to major rescue organizations; DigitalDog provides a responsible source for obtaining a purebred.
Launched in 1995, DigitalDog enjoys over 100,000 visitors per month. Many seek answers to training/behavior questions, others participate in the forum, research dog breeds or enjoy other aspects of the site like "Dog Haiku" and a searchable dog name database. A children's section with fun topics as well as critical information on bite inhibition is also included.
The "Top-Dog Site Award" is available to all non-profit animal welfares with effective and helpful websites. This award is commonly seen throughout the web on the sites of humane societies, shelters and rescue agencies.
Additional content including book reviews, historic canine topics and advice on grooming is available as well.
DigitalDog works closely with, an pet accessory site which donates to many of the same causes.