Diesel locomotives of Ireland

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The railways of both the Republic and Northern Ireland were amongst the first to change over from steam to diesel traction. The initial locomotives were built and supplied by various British engineering works (predominantly Sulzer and Crossley), with varying degrees of success. By the mid 60s however, the proven experience of the American manufacturer General Motors (GM) was taken on board, with existing locomotives being re-engined with EMD 645 units and all new locomotives being purchased exclusively from GM. The reliability of these engines is evident in that many of these re-engined locos remained in service until the mid 90s.


[edit] Republic of Ireland

[edit] Mass Dieselisation

In 1948, CIE commissioned a report from Sir James Milne (General Manager of the Great Western Railway) on the problem of upgrading its rail services. Despite his recommendations, CIE decided to push for the complete dieselisation of its railway system, expecting substantial economies of scale.

The first of the two mainline diesel locomotives built at Inchicore Works, the Sulzer-powered Class 113, entered service in April 1950, following completion of trials.

Subsequently, one of the largest orders of its time was placed for 90 locomotives (60 Metro-Vick Class 001 and 30 201 Class locos) with a consortium of four British companies:

Delivered to Inchicore Works between 1957 and 1958, the Class 001 was to become the mainstay of mainline passenger and freight services on the network for the next forty years. Parts were also ordered for a further 19 locos to be built at Inchicore Works.

From the outset, the two-stroke Crossley engines proved under-powered and unreliable. The 001s were not capable of reliably handling mainline work, while the Class 201, no longer required on branch line work due to Todd Andrews's large scale closures, were unsuited to mainline work because of their low power (c.600 hp).

[edit] The General Motors Influence

From the early 60s, CIE looked to GM, with their history of reliability. 15 Class 121s were purchased in 1961. These were modified shunting locos ("switchers") and proved an instant success. One drawback was the single cab construction requiring the loco to be turned at the end of each journey as the drivers refused to operate them "long hood" forward. They were later modified in the 80s for multiple unit operation and operated in consist, "long hood" to "long hood", with their cabs at each end. 37 Class 141s, delivered in 1962, were fitted with two cabs to overcome this problem. The delivery of these engines brought an end to regular steam working in April 1963. A third batch of GM locomotives (Class 181) were delivered in 1966, which were essentially 141s with 1,000 h.p. engines.

Having experienced GM’s reliability, CIE decided in 1964 to fit higher-powered engines in both Class 001 and Class 201 locos. However, GM would only sell complete engine / generator assemblies and would not provide engines on their own. They finally agreed in 1967 to supply engines to enable re-engining of the Class 001. The trials were a total success and over the next four years, all 90 Metrovicks were fitted with replacement EMD 645 engines.

Eighteen new GM locomotives were delivered in 1977. Visually resembling a stretched 141/181 Class, the new locomotives had a Co-Co wheel arrangement and were of significantly higher power, 2,250 h.p. The Class 071 with its higher speed and power went on to become the principal passenger locomotive on the Irish railway network for the next twenty years. The new Class 201, again built by GM, superseded them in 1994-1995. These are currently the heaviest, fastest and most powerful diesel locomotives operating in Ireland (112 tons, max. speed 102 mph and 3,000 hp)

[edit] Classification

Initially, CIE numbered and classified its handful of early diesel locomotives in the same way as steam. However, it soon developed a series based on engine power Types, with the highest-powered locomotives being Type A and numbered in the Axx series, and the lowest powered being Type G and numbered in the G6xx series. Locomotive K801 was a one-off prototype and did not truly fit in this scheme.

Since all the locomotives were in fact numbered in series, the letter prefix was dropped in 1972, as was the allocation of numbers according to power. Locomotives rebuilt with higher-powered engines were not renumbered, later locomotives simply taking the next available number series.

In the early to mid 1980s, locomotives started to be designated with the letters S and/or A after their number. For example, 124 was renumbered 124SA.
The S indicated that the locomotive had been fitted with CAWS (Continuous Automatic Warning System) an in-cab system that displays the aspect of the next signal. Locomotives not fitted with CAWS had restrictions imposed on their use.
The suffix A indicated that the locomotive's air brakes had been commissioned. Until the introduction of the Mark 3, all Irish coaching stock used vacuum brakes but all locomotives since the 121 Class had also been equipped with air braking, albeit never commissioned. Only those whose air brakes were commissioned could haul the new coaches. The suffix letters were dropped once all locomotives had their air brakes commissioned and been fitted with CAWS, and numbering continued as before.

[edit] Northern Ireland

A variety of small classes of diesel locomotives have operated on railways in Northern Ireland. From 2001, all items of rolling stock in use on NIR had 8000 added to their number so as to be part of the Translink number series, which incorporates their road vehicles.

Belfast and County Down Railway (1848-1948)

  • 2
  • 28 (Later used by NCC)

Northern Counties Committee (1903-1948)

  • 17 (Designated Class X)
  • 22

Northern Ireland Railways (since 1967)

[edit] Locomotive Listing

Image Class Type Image Class Type
001 Class Numbers 001-060 (Type A)
071 Class: Numbers 071-088
101 Class: Numbers 101-112 (Type B)
113 Class: Numbers 113-114 (Type B)
121 Class Numbers 121-135 (Type B)

141 Class Numbers 141-177 (Type B)
181 Class Numbers 181-192 (Type B)
201 Class: Numbers 201-234 (Type C)
301 Class Numbers 301-305 (Type D)
401 Class Numbers 401-419 (Type E)

421 Class Numbers 421-434 (Type E)
501 Class Numbers 501-503 (Type F)

601 Class Numbers 601-603 (Type G)
611 Class: Numbers 611-617 (Type G)
801 Class Number 801 (Type K)
GM 201 Class Numbers 201-207 & 210-234

[edit] See also

[edit] External links