Diaphragmatic surface of heart

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Diaphragmatic surface of heart
Base and diaphragmatic surface of heart.
Latin facies diaphragmatica cordis
Gray's subject #138 528
Dorlands/Elsevier f_01/12351759

The diaphragmatic surface of the heart, directed downward and slightly backward, is formed by the ventricles, and rests upon the central tendon and a small part of the left muscular portion of the diaphragm.

It is separated from the base by the posterior part of the coronary sulcus, and is traversed obliquely by the posterior longitudinal sulcus.

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated. Please edit the article if this is the case, and feel free to remove this notice when it is no longer relevant.

Cardiovascular system - Heart - edit
atria (interatrial septum, musculi pectinati) | ventricles (interventricular septum, trabeculae carneae, chordae tendinaepapillary muscle) | valves

base | apex | grooves (coronary/atrioventricular, interatrial, anterior interventricula, posterior interventricular) | surfaces (sternocostal, diaphragmatic) | borders (right, left)

right heart(vena cavaecoronary sinus) → right atrium (auricle, fossa ovalis, limbus of fossa ovalis, crista terminalis, valve of the inferior vena cava, valve of the coronary sinus) → tricuspid valve → right ventricle (conus arteriosus, moderator band/septomarginal trabecula)  → pulmonic valve  → (pulmonary artery and pulmonary circulation)

left heart: (pulmonary veins)left atrium (auricle) → mitral valveleft ventricleaortic valve (aortic sinus) → (aorta and systemic circulation)

pericardium  (sinus) | epicardium | endocardium | myocardium | cardiac skeleton (fibrous trigone, fibrous rings)

conduction systemcardiac pacemaker | Purkinje fibers | bundle of His | SA node | AV node