Diadema, São Paulo

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Coordinates: 23°41′10″S, 46°36′38″W Diadema is a city in São Paulo state, Brazil. The location of Paço Municipal de Diadema (Diadema's City Hall) is -23,6861° latitude (23º 41'10 S) and -46,6106° longitude (46º36'38 W). The distance from the capital is 17km (from Praça da Sé). The city is accessed by a transit called EMTU (Empresa Metropolitana de Transporte Urbano).

Population (2003): 373,300, and the area is 30.7 km². The population growth is 2.48%/year and density is 12,150.29/km².

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North: São Paulo
West: São Paulo
Diadema East: São Bernardo do Campo
South: São Bernardo do Campo
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