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[edit] Kiholo2 Vera Hierarchy

The current Vera hierarchy used to support the Synopsys PCI Flexmodel within Kiholo can be extended to support the Synopsys PCIe VMT model within Kiholo2 products. This will be done by creating the following new subclasses:

  • class PCIeMaster extends PCIMaster
  • class PCIeMontitor extends PCIMonitor
  • class PCIeMemory extends PCIMemory
  • class BladeBIOS_PCIe extends BladeBIOS
  • class CabrilloPortBlade extends KonaPortBlade

Info about PCI classes and hierarchy within current Kiholo Vera. Roughly ordered from lowest to highest in hierarchy.

  • Current Kiholo Vera Hierarchy
  • Proposed Kiholo2 Vera Hierarchy