Dewsbury College

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Dewsbury College is a higher education college located in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.

It takes on school-leavers for A-Level study, as well offering Adult Education courses.

It offers A-level Courses, as well as NVQs, Apprenticeship courses, BTEC First Diplomas and National Certificates and Entry Level and Access to Higher Education courses.

While still sitting in the commons, MP Ann Taylor criticised the town's lack of a high-quality further education college for 16-19 year olds, citing the fact that most school leavers must fight for a place ast St John Fisher Catholic Sixth Form or Heckmondwike Grammar sixth form.

Dewsbury College has three campuses in and around Dewsbury. Wheelwright campus belongs to and is part of Dewsbury college but is often refered to as Batley Art school this campus is on the main road into desbury and is about 100 yards from the man site. Wheelwright campus is home to most of the Art courses but is also has many sports and fitness courses here as well most likley due to the large playing filed the campus has on its grounds.