User talk:Devilball

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DevilBall is a brilliant brand-new sport that is played with a trampoline and a ball (Friends are also required, but I'm assuming you have those).

Rules We here the Official Devilball Federation believe that rules are there to be broken so there's not much point in writing that many as you won't follow them.

First rule of fightclub is nobody talks about fightclub.

Second Rule: A round is initiated when the rugby ball is thrown onto the trampoline and does not end until a point is scored. A point is scored by throwing the rugby ball over / into chosen goal depending on circumstances on game.

Third Rule: The rugby ball must touch the middle of the trampoline at one point during the round before any points are scored.

DevilBall To put simply, Devilball is a combination of rugby and wrestling on a trampoline (from now on, known as the arena). The game can be played with as many people as the arena allows safely (although if safety is an issue then leave now! Yes go!) Although 4 is usually a good number.

Points are scored when the rugby ball (from now on, known as the devilball) is thrown by a player into a specified target e.g. goal or onto the trampoline cover. Experiment to find a good position and object to be the goal; it should be far away enough to require some skill but not so far that no one can reach it.

A player can begin a round by throwing the devilball onto the arena before getting on themselves. If possible, find another person (the initiator) to throw the devilball on as this will save players having to get off the arena all the time. As soon as the devilball is on the arena the round has begun. Players can score as soon as they have the opportunity to as long as the devilball has touched the centre of arena (or if there is no centre spot, simply touching anywhere on the arena will be fine). E.g. A player catches the devilball, touches the arena with it and then throws it to score a point.

A player can be stopped from throwing the devilball however by any means necessary (within the law). The only real rule is not to jump on other players, it hurts, and they will retaliate! Grappling is the true way of the game.

These are the essential rules for Devilball; everything else is at your own discretion. Suggestions for different variations of the game can be found below. Amendments to the original game follow:

1) If you miss the goal you must throw the devilball back on from where it landed. (only applies when not playing with an initiator)

2) The last person to touch the devilball before it leaves the arena is responsible for it; if it scores they get the point regardless of whether they threw it or not. If it misses then they must throw it onto the arena from where they picked it up. (throwing back on only applies when not playing with an initiator)

3) You can’t throw the devilball at people so that it goes off and they have to throw it back on again; although you can make someone let go if they are holding it over the edge of the arena.

Other Variations of DevilBall Include

Ultimate DevilBall This is Devilball in its purest form, no disputes, no escape. This variation is played with a (supposedly) safety net. Rules are the same as standard Devilball except that points are scored by throwing the ball over the net; the higher the net the better. It is essential to have an initiator as otherwise valuable time will be wasted retrieving the ball.

Team DevilBall This is standard Devilball except that you work in teams to score. If you miss the goal you have to throw the devilball back on again, so watch out as your team mate will be out numbered for a short time!

Squidgy DevilBall This is a fun variation to play, although will usually be played unintentionally. Again, it is the same as standard Devilball with one exception; leave the devilball outside in the rain for a few days. It will soak up water which can be removed by squeezing, don’t! Play with it like this and anyone who holds onto the ball too tight will be covered in oddly smelling “pee” from the ball (yes it smells and looks very odd). This should encourage less plays to curl up into a ball clutching the devilball for too long.

Multi DevilBall This variation is exactly the same as the standard Devilball, except that you use two or more balls at the same time.

No Bars DevilBall Don’t hold back in this game. Anything goes and you can try to take the devilball by any means necessary! (This game is not for the faint-hearted and it would probably be a good idea if all players sign something that means they won’t sue).

--Devilball 22:52, 6 April 2006 (UTC)