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I have dermatosis of the skin. It affected, at first, my upper arms. After a period of time it spread to my back, legs, buttocks, thighs, forarms, neck, and face. If not caught early, it can spread over a large portion of the body. It is a disease that causes red bumps and itchy skin to occur. It is not contagious and is not fatal. There are different types of treatment. One, a doctor can prescribe a prescription-stremgth medicine/lotion. Other than that, there is hydrocortisone, Aquaphor, and other various lotions/creams. If you have sensitive skin, you might want to switch detergents, clothing materials, and other things that come in contact with the affected skin. Again, this is not a fatal disease and it is very common. More and more people are diagnosed with Dermatosis everyday and it is treatable (It's just very annoying and itchy).