Depressor septi nasi muscle

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Depressor septi nasi
Muscles of the head, face, and neck.
Gray's subject #107

The Depressor septi (Depressor alœ nasi) arises from the incisive fossa of the maxilla; its fibers ascend to be inserted into the septum and back part of the ala of the nose.

It lies between the mucous membrane and muscular structure of the lip.

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated. Please edit the article if this is the case, and feel free to remove this notice when it is no longer relevant.

Muscles of the HeadNeckTrunkUpper limbLower limbLIST OF ALL MUSCLES

scalp/eyelid: occipitofrontalis (occipitalis, frontalis) - orbicularis oculi - corrugator supercilii - depressor supercilii | (Gray's s105 - Gray's s106)

nose: procerus - nasalis - depressor septi nasi - dilatator naris posterior - dilatator naris anterior - levator labii superioris alaeque nasi | (Gray's s107)

mouth: levator labii superioris - levator anguli oris - zygomaticus (major, minor) - mentalis - depressor labii inferioris - depressor anguli oris - buccinator - orbicularis oris - risorius | (Gray's s108)

mastication: masseter - temporalis - pterygoid (lateral, medial) | (Gray's s109)

extraocular: levator palpebrae superioris - superior tarsal - rectus (superior, inferior, medial, lateral) - oblique (superior, inferior) | intraocular: ciliary - iris dilator - iris sphincter | (Gray's s227)

hearing: auricularis anterior - stapedius - tensor tympani | (Gray's s228-Gray's s232)

larynx: cricothyroid - posterior cricoarytenoid - lateral cricoarytenoid - arytenoid - thyroarytenoid | (Gray's s236)

tongue: extrinsic (genioglossus - hyoglossus - chondroglossus - styloglossus) intrinsic (superior longitudinal - inferior longitudinal - transversus - verticalis) | (Gray's s242)

palate: levator veli palatini - tensor veli palatini - musculus uvulae - palatoglossus - palatopharyngeus | (Gray's s243)

pharynx: pharyngeal constrictor (inferior, middle, superior) - stylopharyngeus - salpingopharyngeus | (Gray's s244)

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