Department of Laws

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The Department of Laws, was established in 1870 as Law School at Lahore (Now in Pakistan). In 1909, it was made Law College under the Panjab University. After partition Law College was shifted to East Punjab. A good number of distinguished personalities have been the alumni of this department of the Panjab University. The list includes Chief Justices of India, Judges of the Supreme Court, Chief Justices of the various High Courts, Judges of the High Courts, Chief Ministers, Cabinet Ministers and Ministers of State both at the Centre as well as the various States, distinguished Civil Servants, Army Officers, Police Officers and Academicians. The department has a very rich library with more than 52,000 books which is housed in a three-storey structure within the department having a separate UNO Section, which is the only one available North of New Delhi. The department has a distinguished faculty with 8 Professors, 9 Readers, 9 Lecturers and 8 Part-time Lecturers, who are drawn from the Bar. Former Judges of the Supreme Court as well as the High Court such as Justice A.S. Anand, Justice Kuldeep Singh, Justice Ashok Bhan and many others have been member of the teaching faculty of this department. The department also publishes a journal known by the name Panjab University Law Review in which articles/papers, written by Academicians, Judges and other legal professionals, based on researches are published. This journal has both national as well as international circulation. The department runs courses at LL.B., LL.M and Ph.D. level 3 Year LL.B. course classes are held in two shifts in which effective classroom as well practical legal education is imparted to 360 students admitted in each year. The faculty of the department executively engaged in an ensuring to impart best legal education to the students of the department both at Graduate and Post-Graduate level. The department also organizes special lectures including Maher Chand Mahajan Memorial Lectures every year. Such special lectures are delivered by distinguished personalities in the field of law. There is always constant interaction between the Department, Bar and Bench so that there is optimum benefit to the students as well as to the faculty of this department as per press release issued by the Chairperson, Dept. of Laws, Panjab University.