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[edit] Patrick Smith

Patrick Smith is the composer of The Lilac Suites and several other things for Classical Guitar and Cello.

[edit] Albums

  • The Lilac Suites: Suite no. 1 (2006)
  • The Lilac Suites: Suite no. 2 (2006) (unfinished)

[edit] The Lilac Suites

The Lilac Suites are a series of Five suites for Classical Guitar composed by Patrick Smith. Not all of them are technically suites because the pieces aren't all in the same key and they don't follow the exact format, but they are written about the same thing and they belong together. The first suite is finished and is available on CD now. (You can get a copy at The Esther Center in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.) The remaining four Lilac Suites will be released about one every year. (Congratulations Lilac, you are now somehow involved in every art form there is.)

[edit] The First Suite

  1. Prelude (E minor)
  2. Allegro (A minor)
  3. Andante I (G minor)
  4. Andante II (E minor)

[edit] The Second Suite

The second Lilac Suite is being written now and will be finished later this year.