Dental torture

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Dental torture is a form of torture that generally involves the mouth. Torture is excessive aggression, force and pain to interrogate or murder a person.

Dental Torture techniques - Disembodying of any part of the mouth. This includes the gums, tongue, teeth, etc. - Partially damaging of any part of the mouth, usually the teeth. This involves drilling excessively without any anesthetics. - Abusing dental equipment. This could include using needles or other sharp and/or otherwise painful apparatus to intentionally damage the victim.

A primary reason dental torture is feared is because of the immense pain it can bring you. Teeth do not always grow back (for example, permanent teeth intentionally extracted by abusive means). This could possibly also make eating and drinking excruciatingly painful and/or difficult. Exposure of acidic or salty substances to an open wound generally causes discomfort, and this could possibly occur while eating or drinking.

Dental torture techniques can be various, depending on the mind of the torturor. Inclusion of non-dental materials, such as nails, can also add a more intense degree of pain.

Dental torture is a crime, punishable by most/all law enforcement agencies. Penalties for dental torture range from fines, to jail time, or even lethal injection. Please abide by the local law enforcement guidelines.

[edit] Dental torture in movies