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In literature, a denouement (IPA: /dɛɪnumɛ̃/) consists of a series of events that follow a dramatic or narrative's climax, thus serving as the conclusion of the story. Conflicts are resolved, creating normality for the characters and a sense of catharsis, or release of tension and anxiety, for the reader. Etymologically, the French word dénouement is derived from the Old French word denoer, "to untie," and nodus, Latin for "knot." Simply put, a denouement is the unraveling, or untying, of the complexities of a plot. In addition, the denouement is the events after the climax and the "Falling Action" occur. Denouement, not to be confused with "Falling Action," is a completely different topic.

A classic example of denouement is the final scene of Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It; couples marry, an evildoer repents, two disguised characters are revealed for all to see, and a ruler is restored to power.

There are certainly works in which the denouement is absent, mainly due to a quick, surprise ending (such as Lord of the Flies).

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