Dennis Michaud

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Dennis Wright Michaud is Director of the Corporate Governance Reserach Program and an Adjunct Professor of Economics at Brown University. He is also a consultant that advises corporations on corporate governance best practices and corporate strategy. He is also an expert on Caspian Basin Political Economy, Foreign Direct Investment and Energy Development. He has reserached and published extensively on issues of shareholder rights and advance corporate fraud detection techniques his articles include:Michaud, Dennis Wright and Magaram, Kate A., "Recent Technical Papers on Corporate Governance" (April 6, 2006) Stanford Law School Working Papers, and the European Corporate Governance Institute. Available at SSRN:, Michaud, Dennis Wright, Dutton, Cliff and Magaram, Kate A., "Empowering Board Audit Committees: Electronic Discovery to Facilitate Corporate Fraud Detection" (April 2, 2006)Stanford Law School Working Papers and the European Corporate Governance Institute. Available at SSRN:,Michaud, Dennis Wright, "Multinational Energy Firms in the Caspian Basin: A Bayesian Approach to Incorporate Political Risk in Corporate Strategy" (February 1, 2005)Stanford Law School Working Papers. Available at SSRN:, and Michaud, Dennis Wright, and Kaitlyn Murphy (2006) "Strategy and Governance in the Quasi-Public Sector: The Quonset Development Corporation," Journal of Strategic Management Education, 2(1).

At the request of the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation [the administration of Governer Donald Carcieri] Michaud and his research assistants at Brown Univeristy in cooperation with members of the Governor's administration and the RI General Assembley prepared a report dated February 17, 2004 "Quonset Development Corporation," that outlined the means to separate the Quonset Davisville Port and Commerce Park from the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation. The report specified the following for the industrial park that going forward woud be known as "Quonset Development Corporation": Best Board of Director Practices, A Corporate Mission Statement (that incorporated the approved Quonset Davisville Port and Commerce Park Master Plan),and revised Corporate By-Laws for the proposed independent corporation. A key objective of the project, and the Carcieri Administration, was to de-politicize the Quonset Development Corporation and create an independent professional board of directors that would act as a model for the 25 plus RI quasi-governmental corporations. The plan was incorporated in legislation passed by the Rhode Island General Assembly in the 1974 legilsative session and signed into law by Governer Donald Carcieri in July of 2004 [see Michaud, Dennis Wright, and Kaitlyn Murphy (2006) "Strategy and Governance in the Quasi-Public Sector: The Quonset Development Corporation," Journal of Strategic Management Education, 2(1)]

In May of 2006 Michaud announced plans to run against incumbent Donald Carcieri in the Republican Primary for Governor in the state of Rhode Island.Michaud decided to withdraw from the race in July and endorsed the incumbent Republican, Gov. Donald Carcieri.


[edit] Professional

  • Teaches Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, and Political Economy.
  • President, Providence Consulting Group,LLC. A consultancy advising clients on corporate strategy and governance.

[edit] Education

[edit] Family

  • Married to wife, Nancy, and has two step-children

[edit] Sources